Chapter 1

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🍫Chocolate Brown🍫

Taehyung POV

I flip the page, eager to read on about whether the girl in this sci-fi book will survive the space battle against the boy she loves but turned out to be a spy that was getting information so that his boss could rob her wealthy family soon. She almost shots him to death with laser rays but he moves just in time, stumbling to the side into safety. His feet lose their grip upon the ships smooth surface out in space though and he lands flat on his ass. He knows it's over for him. She was trained in defending herself and killing anyone that would dare to hurt her family. Having found his second of weakness the eyes he grew so fond of over the last weeks are right above him again. The look different though the blue colder, icier... deadly. He didn't even realize he was crying until her eyes widened, a familiar gaze flashing through her eyes. She looked down upon him, this man that she had let herself upen up to, that she was only a job to. A weakness to take advantage of. But then tears fill his eyes and suddenly he's that boy again that held her hand and wiped her tears. Without knowing what she's doing she takes hold of his face instead of the gun and quickley in desperate, uncoordinated movement she makes their lips meet.

Something in my stomach flutters as I'm following their story. It's a commen feeling for me... when watching movies or series and reading books. When I fall again and again in love with the characters that touch my heart as if they were real. Not ever have I felt this way towards any "real" person. And I wish for nothing more than that. A crush, just to know that all this love I've been wanting can become a reality sometime. A hopeless romantic that has never even liked anyone, isn't that ironic...

I'd be fine to be in love alone. To have a one sided crush on a girl without ever acting upon it. Because hell knows I'm wayyy to socially awkward for that. I just want to experience that feeling everybody talks about. How when you're into someone you can't see any of their flaws and even winter feels like warm summer. I'm 18 years old now and I've never experienced it. And i know I am young and everything is still possible... but if feels like I've waited to feel this way for forever. I'm not even hoping for my affection to be returned at this point because who could love this overthinking mind within this body.

Well anyways. Enough with the ranting. I'm about to head out of the café but instead stop to ravel at the cake display. As I'm scanning it in the corner of my eye I notice something, a leather bound book laying around. Its dark brown but it's owner has added a little white heart right in the middle. Cute. I'm curious what the person that owns this looks like. I order myself this piece of brownie with a mad thic layer of chocolate ganache before my gaze falls back to the table naturally. There's no other stuff there... no jacket or abandoned bag that suggest it's owner has disappeared into the bathroom. Curious I walk over. And I swear this is not stealing or stalking or something... but I take it. Of course I'll need to return it to it's rightful owner.

I stay ten minutes longer just to make sure I'm not accidentally taking anyone's stuff before I shove the last piece of cake into my mouth. I shouldn't have eaten it... way too many calories. I let both books slide into my backpack and leave the money for my choclate cake on the table. I always romanticized sitting here, imagined that secretly there would be this cute girl watching me shyly as I'd sit there handsomely reading a book in the afternoon sun. She'd eventually muster up the courage to slip me a note with her phone number before rushing out into the cold. I look around a last time and nobody's ever met mine like in a kdrama. Everyone is engrossed in their own world, their own lives like it has always been.


I hope y'all like this first chapter. If yes please continue on reading and feel free to point out any errors I've made. Have a good day everybody.

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