Chapter 2

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🌃 Midnight Rain 🌃

Taehyung POV

Last month before the finals of this grade. The school is split into two types of people: the ones that have already began studying and plan to practice every existing final of the past and the ones that push any thought of needing to pass exams away until as long as possible. I belong to the latter. Kim Namjoon however has had his nose buried in a book for the last two hours or so, studying English vocabulary. I don't know how he does it. I would've lost focus a long time ago. I'm starting to really get bored of scrolling through pinterest so I instead pull the book out I found yesterday.

I haven't had a closer look at it yet because I've spent the evening debating in my head whether what I did made me a horrible person or an absolutely stupid one. I hope again that the latter is the case here. Well, no going back now.

As I open it it takes me where a bookmark is situated:

December 2nd 2022

Dear Diary,

Oh, it's a diary...

today was an absolute disaster. It's a Friday so I thought, yay, weekend. But not this time. We wrote a test today, out of absolutely nowhere and I felt like dying. I hate english!

I chuckle at that. Hella relatable. Joonie gives me a bombastic side eye for making noise but then returns to his studies. So they're a student too...

And it gets even better, you wouldn't believe it. Yuna that bitch dared to show up at my classroom with that fake ass puppy sad face she pulls.

Omg tea!

Does she really think after 3 years of being best friends I wasn't able to see right through that. We pulled that move so often to get what we wanted... At that moment I could've pretended to not know just so that I could have us back. Like the unbreakable duo we have always been. But she did this to me. She has no right to my sympathy anymore. She was right when she said that I am too nice to people.

Good job, standing up for yourself after being betrayed or whatever. Whoever you are.

I am too nice and she knows it. Because like I know I do and she knows I do I fold like I always do. I listen to every word of her apology and my heart believes it even when my brain knows this isn't right. And I hug her and it feels like old times again but deep down I know it'll never been like that again....

I feel sorry for the owner of this book. Although I don't know them I feel for their situation. I hope they'll figure out whatever it is soon.

The clap of a book being closed shut brings me back to reality and I meet the eyes of my best friend. "What is that?" He asks, " a new novel already?". I shake my head "just something I found." "Let me see" He bounces on his chair like an excited little kid, making grabby hands towards me. But I don't wanna. For some reason I feel like this is too personal to just share with a stranger. Even if I myself have just crossed that boundary. "Nah, you wouldn't like it." I quickley put it back into my bag and stand up. I promise myself to not read on because someone wrote this for nobody to see. I shouldn't be allowed to look through their life and thoughts like this unallowed...

Curiosity killed the cat. I feel guilty but the journal ends up laying in my lap again opened that very same evening. This time I started from the front page. There's sketches there with what I assume is the landscape of their home city. Cherry blossoms trees losing their petals, a rainy street with puddles full of water that reflect the dark sky, bleachers of a school field. Oh and a sketch of my favorite coffee shop. Maybe they're a regular there. That means I can find them... they'll surely look for their journal. I'm excited just thinking about it.

A girl dressed in a knitted hoodie, tucked into her skirt on one side, phone in her hand rushing in from the stormy weather on the mission to get her precious diary back. I'd step up and hand it to her, our eyes would meet...

...I'm romantizising everything in my head again aren't I?

Why do I have to be this creative?

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