Chapter 5.

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Today was Ian's wedding. Victor was excited for his friend. Ian and his fiancé, Deasia, had been engaged for a year before deciding to tie the knot. They had tremendous love for each other and with both of them in the same catering field, they had always loved and supported each other.

Victor was putting on his shoes when Claire walked down the stairs, in a Royal blue dress, matching the theme of the wedding. She was one of the bridesmaids Deasia asked to represent her. In her hand she had the blue pocket square Victor was supposed to put in his tux but forgot.
   "Forget the bride, all eyes are going to be in you," Victor says, approaching Claire for a kiss. She kisses him back, her cheeks flushing from shyness. Claire loves his compliments, but she was always shy and embarrassed. Perhaps it was a self-esteem issue, Victor had no idea.
    " we have to leave or else we are going to be late" Victor says, holding Claire's hand as they walked out of their house and to the car.

Victor couldn't believe how beautiful Ian's wedding was. The ceremony took place in a stunning outdoor location, with the sun shining down on the happy couple as they exchanged their vows. Deasia looked absolutely radiant in her white dress, and Ian himself looked dashing in his suit.

The reception was just as amazing, with delicious food and drinks that kept the guests happy and satisfied. The band played all night long, and everyone danced and celebrated the love between Ian and his new bride.

Victor was disappointed when he heard that Claire had to leave the wedding early. Her mum had called about her father and Victor knew it wasn't good.He knew that she was looking forward to the celebration just as much as he was, but he also understood that family always came first.

As he watched Claire say her goodbyes and head out, he felt a pang of sadness, knowing that he would miss her presence for the rest of the night. However, he also knew that she was doing the right thing, and he was proud of her for being there for her family when they needed her.

Despite the setback, Victor stayed at the wedding, enjoying the festivities and celebrating the love between Ian and Deasia. He knew that Claire would be back soon, and he was looking forward to seeing her and telling her all about the amazing night that she had missed.

As the night came to a close, Victor looked around at all of the smiling faces, feeling grateful to be a part of such a special day. He knew that Ian and his bride had a lifetime of love and happiness ahead of them, and he couldn't wait to see what the future held for them.

Victor headed up to the mini bar at the Hotel Cortez, where the reception was. He had planned to drink the night away as he had no work until Monday, 4 days from now. Victor had a history of drinking issues. After he broke up with Jayson, he was depressed and he turned to drinking. With the little salary he got from the coffee shop he worked after graduation, he would spend it on alcohol, trying to clear his mind from the worst pain he had ever experienced. To him, he has always thought he would never find love again, as Jayson was the best thing he had. He would get into fights at the pub and sometimes he left debts all around that caused h being randomly attacked in the street by unknown people. Jayson had come to learn about this but even he could not change Victor's ways.
It wasn't until one Wednesday night as Victor was going home after another fight in the bar, that he was suddenly pulled into an alley way. Thinking it was one of the many attacks he suffered, he simply laid down and waited for the punches and kicks he was going to receive. But this was no ordinary attack, the assailants were out for blood, and more as Victor soon found out.  Victor was sexually assaulted by the unknown people, so bad that he was bleeding from it. He also got stabbed twice in the stomach and left for dead in the alley way. He would wake up to find himself in a hospital, surrounded by his parents and sister, Vanessa. He was told that he had been in a coma for a month now and that he was assaulted but luckily had not contracted anything from it.

Victor was then taken to a 30-day rehab center, where he recovered from his disorder and after that, he went to law school and in this period, he met Claire.

Now as he sits here, the recollection of these events wash up in his memory and a tear falls from his face. You would expect that he would ultimately have a drink and leave the bar, so as to not end up where he was but tonight, he absolutely did not give a fuck. He was going to enjoy himself and retire for the night. Victor spots a guy, probably in his late twenties, sitting across the bar from him. He is texting on his phone and he looks up, probably sensing someone's eyes on him. The guy smiles at Victor, and he walks up to him, walking strangely. And as the guy stares into the dim light, he realizes it's none other than Victor, his former boyfriend. Of course Victor had no idea that the guy he is approaching is actually  Jayson, weeks after their reunion at pride. Jayson is surprised to see him here but quickly remembers they were both Ian's mutual friends. As he attempts to make conversation with Victor, he realizes that he is intoxicated and probably doesn't realize who he is talking to.

   "So what brings you here, handsome," Victor says, as he takes another sip from his Vodka. Jayson is speechless as he flashes back to the first time Victor called him handsome. It was in their first date and both of them were nervous as they hadn't quite 'fessed up their love for each other. As they were leaving the restaurant, they hugged each other and Victor had said, 'see you later, handsome.'

    "I was just attending a friend's wedding" Jayson says, snapping back to reality."
    "Same, but now I'm bored now. How about we go up to my room and order some champagne?" Victor whispers in Jayson's ear, eyes filled with list and longing.
   "As much as I'm charmed by your offer, I'm going to have to decline, I already have a boyfriend." Jayson says, clearly trying to avoid the greatest mistake of his life.
   "Well, is your boyfriend here? Cause as far as I can see, you're clearly alone. It's not like you're going to tell him, are you?" Victor says, licking Jayson's earlobe making him shiver a bit. He doesn't say anything, he carrys Victor abruptly and takes him up the stairs to his room. He throws victor on the bed and puts the DND sign on the door. Victor was in for the greatest night of his life, or so he thought.

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