𝐓𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩

Comincia dall'inizio

D: hyung-ie~
Chan went to jeonghan and hug him

Jeonghan then wipe his tears and nod to them and all understood and all went to their classes


1 week

It's been a week and all the friend group didn't much seen Joshua, just time to time but they always had to speed to class

They were all in front of their locker and jeonghan was still sad and didn't smile much

He was damn worried for Joshua, he love him and want anything but his happiness even if he isn't the source of it

Hoshi then tap his shoulder and point at a figure coming in their way

Js: guys guys !!!
All had a questioning face and Joshua said

Js: I'm back with Jason
He squealed and all gasp and look worried and upset, pity and sad for Joshua and also for jeonghan and mad at Jason

Js: y you aren't happy for me ?
Sc: we we are, that's hum amazing
Chan then whisper to him

D: you're really bad at lying cheolie
Sc: how do you want me to act as if I'm happy when this is the worst thing to happen ?
Chan nod and all fake congratulate Joshua, all except jeonghan, who was froze and didn't move

Js: hannie? Aren't you happy for me
Jh:...I Im, your happiness matter the most to me
Js: No yours should be matter the most, and thank you
He hug jeonghan and left to Jason after talking a little with them

Sk: jeonghan ?
Seungkwan look at jeonghan and find him again lost and not moving and he then touch his shoulder

Jh: how can my happiness matter the most when it's him
Sc: jeonghan
Jeonghan look at scoups and then run away

All: Hyung !!
Sc: he isn't fine
D: what to do ?
Sc: I wish I knew


3 weeks

Sc: Joshua can I talk to you ?
Js: n no im not in the mood
Sc: what happened
Js: I i again broke up with Jason
Sc (mind): yes !
Sc: why ?
Js: he said he'll take care of me but he didn't and I couldn't support it so yesterday I broke up with him
Sc: get over him, he isn't the right one for you, you'll find someone better, who treat you better and will love you stronger and who will make you feel happy everyday
Js: I'll never
He buried his face in his arms on the table and cried silently

Scoups then text jeonghan


Joshua + Jason = 💔


R Really ?


👍🏻, he is sad come and comfort him


The next day

Jh: j joshua ?
Js: hannie
He hug him

Jh: Ik, It'll be fine okay ? Come let's eat together ?
Joshua nod and both went to eat

Jeonghan and Joshua were in the cafeteria when jeonghan saw how Joshua played with his food

Jh: you okay shua ?
Js: not really, I miss Jason, Ik I shouldn't miss a cheater and mean guy, but....
Jh: shua listen, Ik you love him and that at first it was pure love between you two, but he just use you and only wanted to play around, you did nothing bad nor was a bad person, but he was, cheating isn't something random, it's a pure disrespect to you, he never care for you nor wanted to, and sadly you fall in his trap, but now, you have to let it go, he doesn't deserve you, and you deserve someone better

𝙹𝚒𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☼☽Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora