Chapter 20: Part 2 - Acceptance

Start from the beginning

Scott opened his mouth, but Theo couldn't hear anything he said. He pried a larger splinter out of his arm and stabbed it into the thick muscle of his thigh, using the acute pain of it to will himself to heal faster.

His senses were just beginning to return to him when a group of five burly men and women approached the shattered glass wall from outside the compound. They noted the mountain ash and then stepped right over it, over the protective barrier that he'd broken minutes before, and into the living room. So the five heartbeats he'd counted in the stables hadn't been horses after all, but werewolves.

And these were no ordinary werewolves.

A man in a flowing dark trench coat with long dark hair and simmering dark brown eyes was the last to step over the broken glass. An energy seemed to emanate from him, and it sent a chill down Theo's spine. He crossed his hands in front of his body and eyed the wreckage before him. His gaze settled on Monroe, who had managed to grab hold of an overturned table and haul herself into a standing position. She wielded a sharp piece of glass in her trembling hand.

Theo had to give her credit. She was either stupid or brave, but either way, this wasn't going to end well for her. Not unless he managed to keep her alive to pry information from her later. He dove for her at the same time the man did.

Quick as lightning, the man snatched Monroe, not bothering to be delicate around her torn throat. His free arm shifted back and his elbow slammed into Theo's nose.

A hand wrapped around his arm-Isaac was hauling him to his feet.

"Zeke, please," she begged, her high-pitched voice still sounded underwater to Theo's healing ears. "I didn't... I didn't tell them anything."

"Then let's keep it that way," he whispered, caressing her cheek softly before snapping her neck.

Monroe's lifeless body dropped to the floor.

A year ago, Theo might have cheered. Now, ice flooded his veins as the man, Zeke, slid his gaze to Theo. He moved with a fluid assuredness that reminded Theo a little too much of the Dread Doctors.

Zeke licked Monroe's blood from the tips of his fingers, and Theo had to remind himself that his feet weren't bolted to the floor. He stepped back, finally able to hear the frantic drumming of Scott's and Isaac's heartbeats behind him.

"You all must be the white wolf's protectors," Zeke said as the four others casually positioned themselves around the room. "How kind of you to all gather in one spot. This will make the day of the eclipse so much simpler."

"You don't know us. You have no idea what we're capable of," Theo snarled at him.

Zeke's eyes trained on him, sweeping up and down his body. "Theo Raeken. The first chimera. Or at least, the first proclaimed successful chimera," he said, using air quotes around the word successful. "Perhaps I should be the judge of that. Perhaps you're nothing more than a cheap chemo-knockoff."

Rage roiled through Theo at that.

Then Zeke's eyes flickered behind Theo to Isaac. "And aren't you the only surviving beta from Derek Hale's brief stint as an alpha? Isaac Lahey. Another orphan. You and Mr. Raeken must be good friends. Bonding over your familial trauma. Well, not to worry, you'll soon be out of your misery. You can join the rest of Derek's pack."

Scott moved forward then, his red alpha eyes glowing in the dim light, and roared so loudly that the rest of the glass wall shattered and the light fixture above them shook. Anyone sensible would have turned and run.

Zeke stood his ground. All of them did. Then, he had the audacity to chuckle.

"Ah, yes, the true alpha of the 21st century. Scott McCall, isn't it?" Zeke asked, examining the long tips of his claws. "I met the previous true alpha once. It was brief, and nearly 70 years ago now, but I do remember one very distinct thing from our encounter. Care to guess what it was?"

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