Chapter 36

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"Did you really mean what you said?" I asked Rhian as we sped through the corridors after a quick stop to the kitchens. "About. . .about me being like a sister to you?"

"Of course," Rhian said automatically. He was holding a mug of tea. A peace offering. "I said I'd take care of you, and that's what I'll do. Until Rafal can do that himself, that is."

Guilt ate at my gut.

No, I reminded myself. You have to do this. For Rafal. Rhian won't let you and Rafal take the throne away from him.

Do it for Rafal.

When Rhian and I reached his bedroom, we paused outside the attached bathroom door.

"Japeth?" Rhian called.

"Get out," came the immediate response.

Rhian sighed. "Sophie's gone."

"How gone?"


Silence passed between the brothers.

"I brought you tea," Rhian said. "Just the way you like it."

No response. Then:

"Come in."

Rhian pushed through the door, me following behind.

The king's bathroom shimmered like a gilded mausoleum, with mirrors reflecting mirrors and Lion crests carved into every tile and tap. Steaming water gushed into a vast tub, perched on gold-sculpted lion claws, the bath nearly overflowing now. A separate nook for the toilet lay dark and tucked away in the corner.

Japeth was submerged in the tub, thick wafts of steam rising from the frothy water.

"Poisoned, I assume?" said Japeth.

"Naturally," said the king, his crown catching gilded light. "A chandelier just crashed outside. Could be Sophie's parting gift, though. Guards are searching the castle to make sure she's left."

The twins eyed each other.

"No wedding planner, then?" Japeth asked, gaze sliding over to me.

I shrugged. "Not sure what we'll do with all the gifts that have been sent to her. Apparently the Sultan of Shazabah is sending a magic camel."

Japeth exhaled. "You won't miss her. In a few days, you two won't even remember her name."

The king smoothed his blue-and-gold suit, as if brushing away this part of the conversation. "We'll summon the Kingdom Council tomorrow and burn the last ring."

"Then the Pen's magic will be yours," his brother said eagerly. "Lionsmane, the new Storian. You, the One True King with infinite power."

"With infinite power comes the burden to do right by that power," said the king. "A responsibility I hope I'm worthy of."

"As if that's in question," Japeth flattered. "You've always been the Good brother. The one everyone loves. That's why you're the king."

Rhian cleared his throat. "Where should I put your tea?"

"What will you do first?" Japeth pushed. "What will be the first thing you write with Lionsmane?"

Rhian looked at me. "Y/n knows the answer to that."

I cleared my throat, meeting Japeth's eyes. "He'll bring my love back. Like we've already discussed.

"Then I'll abolish the Kingdom Council and that wretched school forever," Rhian continued. "Time to return these Woods to the people."

One True Queen (School for Good and Evil Book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang