chapter seven

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"Mia you need to wake up now, we need to leave." She was awoken by Gustav who was shaking her trying to wake her gently.

"What? Where are we going?" She asked tiredly looking confused around the room. She had fell asleep on the sofa and everyone except Gustav was gone.

"We need to hurry, the concert starts in a couple of hours and you haven't eaten anything."

"Where is everyone?" She asked still confused.

"They are in the kitchen waiting for you."

"Ugh fuck." She said standing up. They went together to the kitchen where they met the others.

"Good Morning." Riley said opening her arms for a hug but not moving more than that. "Sorry, I'm hungover you need to come here." She explained and Mia walked over to her friend and gave her a long hug.

"Finally you're up. We have been waiting." Tom said annoyed looking over at her.

"You should have woken me up then." She said quietly back. She had started to remember everything from the night before and realized that it wasn't a dream.

"Whatever we need to go get some food." He said gesturing for the door. They all left the room and got down to the hotel lobby where they served a breakfast buffet. Tom and Mia got there last and got put at the end of the line.

"Hey, could I get your phone?" Tom asked her.

"Sure." She gave him her phone thinking nothing of it.

"Good, wouldn't want you calling home now that we all are such good friends." Mia turned around looking for her phone. "Don't try to take it from me, because then I'll only break it and that's unnecessary, don't you think?"

"Right." She said, spun around again and began putting food on her plate.

She got to the table and sat down on an empty chair between Gustav and Riley, once again trying to get as far away as possible from Tom.

When they all were done eating they got back up to the room to collect the guys stuff and then they were off to the concert.

"So when we get there you two will stay with us all of the time, until we go on stage, then you'll stay in the dressing rooms, okay?" Tom said looking sweetly at Riley then sharply at Mia who quickly looked away.

"Okay!" Riley smiled holding Bill's hand.

"Okay Mia?" Tom raised his voice still looking at her. When she didn't respond he once again cupped her face and pulled it toward him making her look in his eyes. "Okay?!"

"Okay! Fine." She said looking away again. The guys were looking at them weirdly but Riley hadn't noticed, she was to busy laying on Bills shoulder starring at him.

The car arrived and they got into the same stadium they were at the day before. The girls was lead to the dressing rooms where the guys started changing instantly. They put on their stage clothes and Bill started doing his hair.

"Can I have my phone back?" Mia asked Tom quietly. He turned around to look her in her eyes. His eyes, so double sided. They looked so innocent and pure from afar, but when you got close they were dark and cold.

"We agreed that it was best if I held onto your phone. You can have it back tonight when I'm going to be with you and can keep an eye on you. Does that sound good?"

"I'm not a kid." She whispered while turning around to walk away. Tom quickly grabbed a hold of her arm and pulled her close. Her heart started to beat faster and she looked around for a escape rout.

"Then stop acting like one." He said harshly into her ear making her get chills.

"You're on in twenty." A guy with a headset told them which made Tom pull away to give him a thumbs up.

"Go sit down in the sofa I'll be with you in a sec. We can keep discussing this then, but I need to have a talk with the boys."

She did as he said, not feeling like arguing.

"Hello!" Riley said as she sat down beside her.

"Hi. I'm really tired can i lay down for a minute?" Mia asked.

"Of course, honey." She said and Mia laid down, her head in Riley's lap. She began stroking her friends hair, who quickly fell asleep to the action. She fell asleep feeling safe, like she was at home again, free from all the danger and stress. Free from Tom and the band. Free, with Riley, safely laying in her best friends lap.

She was awoken by a familiar voice whispering in her ear. "Good Morning, Babe. You can't sleep in the middle of the day, you wont be able to sleep tonight." She didn't want to open her eyes, she wanted to be safe with Riley again.

A kiss was placed on her forehead that made her open her eyes against her will.

"I knew that would do it." He laughed and pulled Mia up so she was sitting next to him.

"How long was I sleeping for?" She asked him. They were the only ones in the room.

"When I was done talking to the guys you were already asleep so I didn't wake you up. I felt you were better off sleeping. But now were done with half of the concert and we have a short break so I wanted to say 'Good Morning' to by beautiful girlfriend."

"So it's official now or what?" She was trying not to sound too rude.

"Not yet, but we better get used to this soon, because when it is official, it needs to be solid."

"Where are the others?" She asked not wanting to think about the future.

"They are in the kitchen getting snacks."

"How was the show? Did everything go as planned?" Mia was trying everything to not trigger him and to just keep him happy. Because he was kinda nice when he was happy.

"It was good. What did you dream about?" He quickly discarded her question like he was grilling her and he was the only one that was supposed to ask questions.

"I'm not sure. I don't think I was dreaming. Why?"

"No you seemed stressed. You were talking and making scared noises in your sleep." He said suspiciously.

"I don't remember anything special." They moved on from the conversation and Riley and the guys soon entered the room.

"Tom, let's go, were on in five." Bill said rushing out of the room again.

Then Tom did what Mia had been hoping he wouldn't do, he kissed her. On the cheek, BUT in front of Riley.

"Bye babe, see you after the show. Don't do anything dumb." He said really sharpening the last words.

"What the fuck!" Riley yelled as soon as the guys had closed the door.

"Shh! Don't be so loud." Mia tried.

"What! Honestly, I got the feeling you two didn't like each other until you fell asleep on him yesterday. But wait, are you together?"

"No, Rile, I met him yesterday!"

"Wait! Was that your first kiss?"

"No! It don't count. He kissed me.., twice though."

"Twice? He really likes you! And he called you babe! When did he kiss you before and why didn't you tell me?"

"It was just twenty minutes ago. He woke me up with a kiss on the forehead."

And they kept talking about Tom and her for a long time. Mia could not tell her everything so she had to make up stuff and lie to her. But if that kept Riley out of his way, it was a good thing.

"I think I love Bill." Riley confessed.

"What? No! I mean what! You two also met yesterday?" That sentence made Mia scared. When Riley loved someone that was the only thing that mattered for her. And Riley had never loved just a boy before. Only her friends, parents or pets.

"I know. But hes special I can tell."

And now they talked about that for hours. Mia was scared but now she knew she had to stick everything out until Riley were back to normal again.

2009 - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now