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                                                                                Third person POV

It felt like he should have known who these two people were he felt incredibly guilty that he didn't. Right now, he really needed to take a walk.

Immediately Percy jumped up and ran out of the door.

He didn't know why but he felt like he was ... changing? Like something was happening to him but he did not know what it was. 

On Mount Olympus 

Apollos POV ( Finally)

We were having yet another boring meeting when Hestia, Hera, and Aphrodite fell of their thrones screaming and coughing. What in the name of Khoines' pinky toes is going on? Poseidon, Zeus, and Hephaestus helped them up, respectively.

Zeus got back to his throne and then boomered- sorry boomed, "What is going on here ?" 

 First Aphrodite said: Zeus, "I felt a great loss of love in a great heroes heart."                                           

Then Hera said: Husband, I also felt a great loss of love."

Then Hestia said: Brother, a powerful one has lost all sense of home.

(Sally is dead, BTW)

Hermes then said "Let's address the elephant in the room or namely, people"

All of our heads whipped to the center of the throne room and saw several people standing there. Who in the name of trauma  is that?

                                                   Percy's  POV

I was in the words and then a random brown haired person said " It's time" and then I was out like a light.

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