A Soul That's Born in Cold and Rain Knows Sunlight

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Content warning: mentions/references to rape/non-con. Tried to not mention it directly, but unfortunately, Emrys wouldn't let it go. Mind your triggers <3

"Why would you lie?" Sebastian sounded uncertain still. Ella took it at face value and ran with it, she was already deciding what her assumed identity would be and how she'd have to definitely learn how to glamour her hair before he even started voicing concerns. "You're risking your career over this?"

"Everyone involved in this is under my care. It's part of my job to risk my career for you." Sharp glanced between them. Ella watched his gaze fall to where Sebastian wouldn't stop fidgeting with the ring on her finger. He made no comment on it. "I do not offer praise lightly, and I don't expect things I find out of reach for students, Mister Sallow."

Sebastian sighed again. She saw him shake his head, but it seemed less in response to Sharp and more in response to his own thoughts. He never voiced them, whatever they were.

The clearing smelled strongly of smoke, burnt flesh, a heavy twinge of copper, and a displaced freshness of cold air mingled with snow. It made her feel nauseous. The smell coupled with her own fear. She'd been a boiling cauldron, and removing the lid had granted them all freedom. Saved their lives. But, now someone stood in front of her waiting for the boil to cease and she could no longer find the lid.

"Miss Malfoy is right. Both of you would actually be fantastic Aurors, however—"

Ella waved her hand. It shook. She pretended not to notice it. "I'll never pass enough N.E.W.Ts."

"If you'd taken your studies a bit more seriously—"

"I thought I'd die before graduation, seemed like a waste of my time." Ella nodded once. She didn't like how Sebastian's gaze snapped to her like she'd offered some new tidbit of information.

His eyes said they'd discuss that later and she didn't look forward to it. "I have no interest in following my uncle's—"

"I assume you remain unaware that I worked with Solomon Sallow."

Sebastian's attention jerked to Sharp before he shook his head softly. Disbelief still across his features.

"He wasn't the Ministry's greatest if you were curious."

"Was he an arse then, too?" Sebastian snorted.

Sharp didn't seem to find the humor in it. "He made more enemies than friends. Was known for unwarranted brutality and his difficulty to work with."

"Sounds like him."

"I didn't have the highest opinion of him, so if my condolences seemed less than at that time—"

"It's fine, Professor." Sebastian shook his head like he'd had that conversation too many times to want it again.

Sharp nodded but continued. "That being said," he turned his gaze to Ella. "Did you kill him?"

The words felt like they hung in the clearing. Held up by the chill in the air. Anchored by the shiver it sent down her spine as the briefest montage of what her life in Azkaban would be. The words that would be her firing squad.

Sebastian sounded like he choked on air. "Wha—"

"Yes," Ella lied before Sebastian had enough time to question why Sharp even thought that. She scrunched her nose to stop the grin from spreading over her face. She'd win. It was a secret to keep, and keep it she would. She'd best Sebastian at the game of sacrifice they kept playing. He squeezed her hand like he intended to break her bones and she hoped she didn't wince.

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