I Can Feel You Fade Away

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Sleep eluded Ella. The moon was high in the sky as she continued tossing and turning in her sheets. The soft lullaby of snores became a tortuous gloat that echoed off the walls of the girl's dormitory. Ominis's reluctance to extend the offer haunted her. It felt the same as a pity invite for the shunned friend who'd overheard plans from the rest of the group. What haunted her more was her acceptance of such an invitation.

The blonde rolled to her side to look at the door. She sighed in frustration. It was late—even if she succumbed at that moment she would definitely not get enough sleep to function the next day. Despite the ache in her bones, it appeared there would be no sleep tonight aside from restless bursts.

She pushed herself out of bed and threw the blankets to the side with a huff. The occupant of the bed beside hers rolled over with a sleep-dazed mumble. Ella tip-toed to the door. Hopefully, a midnight stroll would ease her mind.

Muffled footsteps on the other side of the door forced Ella to hesitate as she gripped the doorknob. She waited for them to disappear. They faded... and then grew louder. Repeatedly. With a frown, she pulled the door open as quietly as possible.

Ominis paced the small corridor with a look of desperation on his face. She knew he'd heard the door open despite the care she'd taken to do so silently. Still, he didn't speak until she had firmly closed it behind her. "Ella?" The wizard quizzed as he continued to pace. His apprehension was tangible.

"Yes," Ella mumbled.

"I cannot believe you agreed. This is a mess," Ominis's whispered uneasiness carried through the hall. His pacing quickened."He's been making an excellent recovery, Ella. I don't want to jeopardize it."

Suddenly, Ella wished she'd continued tossing and turning. She sighed. "Nothing is being jeopardized, Ominis. We're not going to—"

"Haven't I heard that before," Ominis muttered. It sounded like an accusation more than a question. "I was uncertain about even looking for Kirley because he wanted to help. It's one thing to avoid the Dark Arts under a watchful eye, but to go into the Forbidden Forest..."

"Why do you even think she's there?"

Ominis ran a hand through his hair. "The last thing she said to me was she was going to look for some ingredient for a potion. I'd offered to purchase it for her but she declined and..." He trailed off again. "She often sneaks into the forest to collect ingredients. I've warned against it but no one listens to me."

"Just stay here with Sebastian and I'll look for her alone." Ella shrugged. That seemed to be the easiest solution if he didn't want Sebastian to face any temptation.

Ominis threw a hand up. "That's not going to work; you know how he is."

"What are you wanting me to do then?" Ella made a face as she spoke. Frustration welled in her. "Do you want me to go find him and let him know I've decided Kirley's disappearance isn't important to me and good luck to both of you?"

"Preferably worded better,"

"Ominis, it's been years. How long would you have me pretend to hate him?"

"Ella, he's still healing. When the temptations are no longer there then—"

"Oh, so another two years? Four years? A decade?"

The white-eyed man sighed in frustration. He paused in his pacing and shook his head. "Despite what you might believe, I care about both of you. That was a dark road and you both walked down it. It takes time to heal from that. You haven't healed from it."

Ella blinked in stunned silence. Embarrassment clawed at her chest. It had been several long months since she'd had a panic attack, and of all days she was unlucky enough for it to happen in front of Ominis... and now that was another reason for him to demand she continue the charade.

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