I Dreamt About You Nearly Every Night This Week

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The Sallow family tent held a different air without Ominis and Anne. It came alive and snickered at Ella every time her eyes darted over where Sebastian sat in the armchair across the room. It whispered like it knew a secret and held it over her head. It mocked her every time she realized she couldn't focus on the book in her hand since he'd yanked the knot from his tie.

Anne had wanted to visit Solomon's grave after they met up at Hogwarts, and Ominis informed the two that he'd be accompanying her. Ominis had hurriedly promised they'd discuss the best route for finding Poppy as soon as they returned. Ella wanted to argue it, and even while sitting there she felt guilty that she wasn't out prowling through the snow to find her best friend. Poppy must have been terrified—and probably a bit thrilled over the dragon, as Sebastian had stated.

With a sigh, she slammed her book closed.

He turned his head toward her, but his eyes lingered on the text in his grasp as he finished examining the sentence he was on. "What's wrong?"

Something had gnawed at the back of her mind since they'd walked away from Garreth in the hallway. Ella stood up with a huff and dropped her book on the table where she'd been sitting. Sebastian blinked at her in confusion as she approached; he continued rubbing his temple in thought. He had a copy of Draco in Periculo: A Guide on All Things Dragon leaned against his lap and his arm propped up on the armrest of the chair. His button-up wrinkled at the way he leaned back in the chair.

Ella didn't have enough time to soak in every detail as she stood in front of him and crossed her arms expectantly. She tried to keep her expression as neutral as possible. "What did you do to Garreth?"

He closed the book in his lap half-heartedly and tapped his fingers against the leather cover. A small sound of intrigue left his throat. "What gave you that idea?"

"Garreth has a simple mind. Potions are good, Quidditch is fun, and his friends are funny. Arguing with his mates over me is unheard of." She smiled, and it felt sadder on her lips than it did in her head. She didn't expect better from Garreth Weasley. She knew him. "So, what did you do?"

"We just had a little chat, Malfoy, no need to get all huffy at me."

"Stop it." Ella rolled her eyes. She waited a couple of moments. "I'm not mad."

"You're not?" Sebastian threw her a quizzical look as he adjusted in the chair. His eyes searched her face, surely looking for some proof she was lying.

"It was starting to hurt my feelings, if I'm honest."

"Would you be upset if I said it was a bit more than a chat?"

"Thin ice, Sallow."

"Just a chat, then."

"You don't have to protect me anymore. You know that right?"

"Free of charge, Malfoy. No debts owed."

"That's strange for you, as much as you love to have your friends in your debt." Ella leaned over and planted her hands on the armrest of his chair. His brow shot up in the typical Sallow manner. "Or am I not a friend anymore?"

She heard him swallow.

"I feel like I'm owed a debt, actually." Ella continued. "Your little stunt in front of Garreth is going to take me weeks to explain."

"You could do so much better than Weasley, Els." His voice was strained.

"Like who? Flint?"

"No, not Flint."

"Then who, Sebastian?"

"I'm not your personal matchmaker." Sebastian sighed in what was supposed to sound annoyed, but she could hear the strain in his exhale. "I'm sure you can figure something out."

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