Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

"What happened Finn?" I insist.

Finn bridges the gap between us to get closer.

That bad huh?

"He was caught sexually assaulting an inmate down in solitary. Been doing it for years." Finn whispers.

My eyes bulge wide in shock because of all things I was not expecting that.


"I know, didn't see that coming did you?" Finn asks.

"I always knew there was something wrong with the guy but not that. What will they do to him now?" I inquire.

I hope he gets the injection or worse the chair. Just because inmates are in solitary doesn't mean they don't have rights. As I think of what almost happened to Julius my blood begins to boil and that was by another inmate. This is a whole fucking CO for crying out loud, someone entrusted with our care. How many lives has he ruined by being a predator? No wonder suicide in solitary has been a common occurrence the last few years. I sure hope he rots in hell.

"He's going to face trial and will probably be sentenced for a very long time." Finn answers.

"I hope they bring him back here. He won't last a week. After what he's put us inmates through, he deserves a taste of his own medicine." I grit out.

I knew karma would catch up to him sooner rather than later. My only regret is that I won't be here to see Callahan get what he deserves. I hope they tear him apart limb by limb or better yet crucify him in the quad after cutting off his gonads. A bit grim but he deserves it.

I was afraid of leaving Julius in here alone under Callahan's protection but hearing that he's gone relieves me a bit. It doesn't mean the kid is safe but I taught him how to protect himself against his fellow inmates so as long as he adheres to my teachings he will be okay.

I am handed back all the things I came in with which isn't much, a silver watch, belt, some cash and my original clothes. All the money I made over the years working here in prison has been put in a card. It's not much compared to the money I have waiting for me outside but it's the first honest money I've ever made in my life and I am going to treasure it.

"Thank you for making my stay here at FCI just a bit more bearable especially over the last couple of months." I say to Finn as he walks me out.

Finn did a lot for me especially in matters related to Hannah, putting his own job at risk showing how honorable he is.

"You're one of the good ones Delgado. Keep it that way so you can look after your brother and your girl." Finn replies.

"I will." I assure him.

"Good, maybe I can get an invite to the wedding." He suggests with a smile.

"Definitely." I grin at him even though my girl and I agreed on a court wedding.

He can be there for the reception.

I am not the only one getting released so once the six of us are done being processed, we are ushered into the prison bus that will drop us all off at our different locations.

As we drive out of FCI I can't help but think how much that place has changed my life over the last couple of years. It's been hell but at least I got one thing out of it, Hannah, my girl, the love of my life. Julius counts as well since the kid has grown on me and I love him but Hannah is my biggest accomplishment.

And to think it all started before I was even an inmate here. I've never been a big believer in fate until I sat back and realized that my whole life has been interconnected for one thing lead to another. My parents immigrating here from Cuba with the hopes of a better life led to my father joining La Lobo to make a living. I joined the gang to survive after he died to give Diego a better life which led to Diego being stupid and stealing my drugs. I had to give myself up for him and then I met Darius my arresting officer who later became my cellie. Darius brought Hannah into my life and I am going to wife that woman. She's my future and I will be damned if I let her go. Fate, destiny or whatever you call it, she's my everything.

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