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The world around her seemed all white. She wasnt fully awake but she could grasp her surrounding.

Her eyes jolted open. She was puzzled to begin with.

She didnt die?

"You are awake, I see" A man's voice rounded the room. One of them who she had seen before pulled out a chair and sat beside her bed.

"Why..didnt you kill me?" Her voice was hoarse and rough, as if she hadnt talked for days.

"If we left you there and by any chance, you remembered that night then we would have faced some troubles" He scratched his neck, though he had answered her he didn't answer the question she asked.

"Thank you for letting me live" It came out more sarcastic then she thought. A harmonious laugh left his mouth which made her look at him.

It was then she noticed, he was handsome and handsome as in pretty handsome.
"Sarcastic, arent we?" He suddenly pulled up the sleeves of her hoodie.

She flinched at the contact and cowered behind. "You fainted due to the..you know...blood loss" He pointed at her hands.

"I bandaged it for you" He gave her a small grin. "I wouldn't have died from like the immense blood loss, like in the movies?"
She asked in a small voice.

"Why should I answer you?" He walked around the room. "I asked because you know, you have more knowledge in these things"

"Well you wouldn't have so that is why we needed to bring you here" He was pleased to hear her reason and so he answered her.

"Who was it?" His voice turned cold and she looked down at her hands.

"You dont have to worry about them and by the way...you can call me Yisuel, Choi Yiseul" She suddenly introduced herself which caught him offguard.

Maybe she was opening up to him, he smiled at the thought. "Seokmin, Lee Seokmin" He turned around to give her a big grin.

His heart stopped as her lips curled upwards..she smiled at him, a beautiful one. They stared at each other for a few seconds before she got up from the bed.

"I should probably get going" and started heading towards the door when it suddenly bursted open.

"You got the wrong idea, princess. You arent going anywhere" It was the same person who had pointed his gun at her.

Seokmin rushed towards the two and stood there trying to pacify the other man.

"You are to be either slaughtered or slaved. Which one do you prefer?"

Slaughtered? Slaved?

LOST YET FOUND (SVT MAFIA AU)Where stories live. Discover now