"He wouldn't do that he's not like that. He opened his home to us" Rick argued.

"He saved Carl and Daryl" Cassie added.

"He put us in danger. He kept a barn full of walkers"

"So you just hand out guns and massacre his family?" Rick asked Shane. Cassie couldn't help but feel guilty about shooting along with the others but she felt she had to protect the ones she cared about.

"His family's dead, Rick"

"We'll he, he doesn't believe that. He thinks he just murdered them in cold blood"

"I don't care what he thinks"

"I was handling it"

Cassie couldn't take the shouting anymore "Shut up both of you. Standing yelling at each other this isn't going to solve anything"

"You know what also didn't solve anything? The fact the he had all of us put in those woods looking for a little girl every single one of us knew was dead"

"Sorry the rest of us had some faith and hope that a little girl was alive" Cassie yelled back.

"Your both delusional. Just as delusional as that guy" Shane muttered before he began walking towards the barn leaving the Grimes twins stood together.

"Are you mad at me?" Cassie asked as they began walking towards the barn. "I shot too"

"No I'm not. You didn't do it cause you wanted to you did it to protect others" Rick reassured her putting a hand on her shoulder.

As they approached the group Carl and Dale walked the other way Rick giving Carl his hat back. They surveyed the bodies in front of them as everyone stood together.

"Want us to start burying?" T-Dog asked.

"We need a service. Carol would want that" Andrea added.

"Yeah we all want that"

"We should bury Shawn and Annette as well. They also deserve a proper burial and service" Cassie suggested turning to Lori who nodded in agreement.

"Let's dig their graves over by those trees" Lori pointed out "And we'll need a truck to move the bodies"

"I'll get the keys" Jimmy suggested before Shane stopped him.

"No no I got the truck" Shane grumbled before he walked off to grab the truck.

"What about the others? It's a lot of digging"

"We bury the ones we love and burn the rest" Andrea told Jimmy.

"Let's get to work" Lori said as everyone started to move. Cassie walked off with Jimmy and T-dog to find shovels to dig the graves leaving Rick with Lori to talk. She knew they needed it.

Cassie helped Jimmy once they got to the spot for the graves digging out three graves for each of the bodies of the ones they loved. She wiped the sweat of her forehead as they finished seeing the big pile of dirt in front of them.

When Lori went to get Carol for the service she asked Cassie to go with her finding comfort in her sister in laws presence. When they arrived at the rv where Carol was sat in Cassie noticed Daryl sat on the countertop near her.

Lori knocked cautiously at the door before going in to stand next to Carol as Cassie stood by Daryl. When she put her hand on the counter to lean on it Daryl noticed and secretly slipped his hand on top of hers.

Cassie felt herself let a small smile slip out before she stopped it reminding herself of what had just happened and turned to Lori and Carol. "They're ready"

Stars and Scars [D.Dixon fic] TWDWhere stories live. Discover now