2. The Almighty Fish Therapist

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TW//mature language, mention of animals' death, slight hinting/mention of blood


"Top of the mornin' to ya!" Security officer Mike Mitchells called out.

"Uh, hi. I'm looking for, uhh, scientist Doctor Rosiewal. Have you seen her?" Malvin asked, receiving a shake of Mike's head.

He looked around, trying to find his friend Amy, but a hand was placed across his chest. He looked up to see the officer looking back at him.

"Sorry bud, I can't let ya through, unless you work, or ya family."

He took out his ID from underneath his shirt, showing it into his face.

"A.A.B.I, Aquatic Animal Behavior Inspector Malvin Sheineir. I work here, and I need to see Doctor Amy Rosiewall, she's my coworker. Thank you." He said, looking back at him one more time as he was let through the doors.

Since the attack last week, there has been increased security all throughout the property at all times.

He took a left, going through automatically opening double glass doors.

The past week, he has been assigned to work in the Rehabitational and Medicational Facility, that was part of the Aquariums, so there was no wonder the officer didn't recognise him.

He, however was in a hurry. Willy hasn't been showing as much off-the-chart-signals, as all other creatures of the self-functioning eco-system, and so they decided to release him.

The plumbers came in yesterday, for one last time, finishing final touches.

The creature that had attacked had torn apart a chunk of the wall of the tank, that separated the two whole different aquatic worlds fron each other.

It came in through the hole, and though how, they had no idea, but the carnivoric creatures also got out of containment.

More than 78% of all creatures had been killed, most hadn't even been bitten into, just punctured by a spike right through the throat.

The tank was fully repaired and functional. There were new decorations, corals, they also had to switch the sand, hence it had a red hue.

Malvin, as the emotional support human of these creatures was in quite a hurry, for he needed to get to Amy for the transportation of an octopus couple.

He slid his ID card on a machine, making it wirr, light up in green, and let the doors smoothly slide out of the way.

"Malvin! How are you? I hadn't seen you all week!" The kind voice of Amy's always had a soft spot for enlightening his mood.

Amy was a kind old woman, with long, curly locks, black glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose, occasionally sliding down, so she had to constantly push them back up. She was much shorter than Malvin, as he was quite tall. She wore her labcoat, with a black dress underneath, as regular.

He gave her a short hug, bouncing with excitement as he saw her documents on her monitor. They were bimac octopuses, also known as californian two-spotted octopuses.

"Their new habitats will allow people to be able to pet them. Children will love it!" She cheered scribbling away on a piece of paper, switching between another set of two papers.

"What about Willy? When's he getting transported?" He asked curiously. If anyone knew it, it was Amy.

"Willy's already here." She looked at her other, other paper, eyes widening a bit. "Oh my, these letters are so small. What do they want me to do? Put on two glasses?" She joked around, squinting her eyes.

He turned around to leave as he heard a chuckle, and a "glasses-es" from Amy.

"Bye Amy!" He called out.

"Fuck you Roxx." He cursed under his breath, dissapearing in the dimly lit hallway.


"We've got a signal!"

"It's on the radar!"

"It's working!"

"How is it so fast!?"

"I think it's just a seal."

David sighed, slumping back in his seat. Eyes strictly following the white dot on the radar.

Whatever thing has killed his animals, Milo Miller has shot it with a tracker.

Of course, the idiot he is, wouldn't think of a tranquilizer dart, or actual ammunition. No, a fucking tracker dart! And he even let it escape!

But no matter, David Roxx would solve it.

It was not a seal. The creature did, accidently scrape itself, leaving one of it's purple and black, slimy spiked scale.

By now, it was dry, but it's shimmer and sparkle was enchanting.

When David first got his hands on it, he didn't want to let go. He didn't tell anyone about it.

He felt a sense of drawning to it. Even now, he held tightly onto it. So tight, the spike on the bottom middle of the scale poked him.

The dot kept getting closer, eventualy circling around the trap.

It was one of his men's idea. They let speakers into the ocean, playing sound effects of injured fish.

There is a net, stretched accross the part of the ocean owned by S.H.A.R.C., meaning whatever got in, most likely didn't get out. It also meamt, that there was close to zero other creatures they could drawn the attention of to themselves.

The dot didn't get into attack range, it just circled around it.

"Go into it, you whack job!" Roxx yelled out in frustration. He couldn't bear the thought of another day passing by, without him seeing this creature.

One of the man sitting at a dashboard turned the volume of the bellowing up. The dot immidietly lashed out for the speaker, triggered by the sudden noise, in which momment the trap triggered, catching the creature.

The men yelled in victory, high-fiving, hugging, clapping. A maniac smile spread across Roxx's face.

He had it.

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Hi, cute little muffin! Thoughts and fav parts in the comments! Thankyouuu
Also, drink water, cuz yum:^
Later, gator, and
bye-bye cutiezz


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