Mary didn't even realize how upset Kacey was. She gathered that the girl was moody and not very loving towards her, but Mary chalked it up to nerves. Of course she's standoffish. She's never met me before!

Mary gave her sister too much credit.

She simply saw a girl who had much more than Mary ever had. Kacey had an education, a life, friends, and never once suffered. Mary was jealous of the girl who fit in so easily. She was glad she had Theodore.

"Why don't you try it on?" Theodore asked. He never enjoyed shopping, but being near Mary and knowing she was safe was enough for him to suck it up. He didn't like the idea of letting Mary out of his sight, where Keith or Joshua may find her. Don didn't either, but Don also didn't like the thought of Theodore being with Mary.

He shot a look towards Kacey, Mary's moody sister. He didn't like the girl, mostly because she was rude to Mary. He couldn't understand any reason for anyone to hate Mary. It upset him, especially to see how Kacey even looked at Mary.

Kacey looked at Mary like she hated her older sister.

"Yeah, I think I will." Mary grabbed the dress, and looked at Theodore expectantly. She was still unsure of talking to others and surviving in a social setting. All understandable for a person who had lived their life in a basement, secluded from others.

Theodore led the way to the dressing rooms, and his smile grew wide when Mary stepped out, the dress swinging around her legs.

"You think I should get it?" Mary asked, shy.

"Of course," Theodore said at the same time Kacey let out a low, impatient groan.

The rest of the afternoon was spent back at home, where Kacey stomped moodily into her bedroom. Theodore thought nothing of it, and sat beside Mary on her bed, wondering if Mary had contacted the tutor.

"I have," Mary answered when Theodore asked. "They said they'd talk to me tomorrow about the details. I'm excited but nervous." She fidgeted beside Theodore, unsure.

"Why are you nervous?"

"What if I never learn? I've never been to school. I don't know how to do anything! What if I never learn a thing?"

Theodore turned her towards him. "Mary, you're going to do great. You know how I know? Because you're amazing at everything you do."

She bent her head down and blushed. "Not true."

Theodore put a finger under her chin and tilted it up so she could look him in the eyes. "Yes, true. You're amazing and strong. So strong that you survived all the years in that basement. So, so strong."

Mary looked into his eyes, vulnerable and scared. "You mean that?" It came out as a whimper.

"Of course." And then, ever so slightly, Theodore leaned in, meeting her lips. It wasn't anything special at first; just a brush of the lips. But even so, it sent chills of excitement up Mary's back as she pushed closer to him.

Theodore took that as a good sign. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her onto his lap. He held her close, nudging her mouth open with his tongue. He got lost in the sensation of her hands in his hair and her body against his. He got lost in the feeling of her trembling against him.

Mary had never felt like this. She pushed closer, and when she grew too hot, she took off her shirt and leaned against Theodore, loving the feel of him under her. Not once had she felt like this with Keith. Not once did she feel important and loved.

Theodore rolled them over, straddling her. He ran his hands down Mary's bare stomach, loving the sounds of her gasps. This wasn't his first rodeo, but it was the first time he felt so happy while simply touching her. It wasn't lust this time. It had nothing to do with urges and drunken loneliness.

He really cared about Mary.

Mary pressed her hands under Theodore's shirt, and he hissed at the contact. He pulled back, paused, and took of his shirt. Mary marveled at the sight of his bare chest. She marveled at the fact that Theodore was here, in her room, treasuring her. Not abusing her. Not hitting her. Not mouthing off to her. She marveled in the fact that she felt no fear, no bile rising in her throat, and no tears.

She wanted this to happen. For once, this felt like more than a job. She didn't feel cheap as she lay nearly naked underneath Theodore. She felt excited.

Theodore took of his pants as well, then he looked down at her before going any further.

"Is this okay? Do you want this?"

Mary stared up at him, a smile gracing her features. She felt alight with happiness and drunk with joy. She didn't care that things were progressing too fast; she was used to doing this with strangers. Even more so, she was used to being used and abused.

This was the first time anyone had even asked.

Her answer was a no brainer. She didn't think about Kacey in the next room. She didn't think about her parents. She didn't even think about Keith, or any of the Chambers'. All she could think about was the man above her, his insecurities showing in his expression. And she knew she wanted it no other way.

"Yes, I do."

* * *


So, omg. They did the frick frack :o


How is everyone doing??? Good I hope!!

I love you all xoxo

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