Chapter 7: Power of a nuclear aircraft carrier

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Volodymyr POV

Bismarck and I were very embarrassed after Jean Bart's prank, and our silence lasted for some time until something bad happened.

We heard very loud explosions coming from the opposite side of the base. And after the explosions, an alarm sounded from the sirens.

Jean Bart: What kind of explosions were these?!

The answer was not long in coming.

Kansen 47: Sirens ! Sirens attack !

Those damn sirens again but it's a good thing they're here because I can start a siren genocide to avenge my team and commander.

Volodymyr: Well sirens, none of you will survive today. -* I said with a wicked smile on my face*.

After that I went back to the girls, I saw Bismarck and Nagato order Z23 and Mutsu to start collecting kansen for the defense of the base. At that time, Vittorio Veneto approached me.

Vittorio Veneto: Volodymyr, are you ready for battle?

Volodymyr: And how ready! I'll say even more, I'm looking forward to it! Because right now my revenge on the sirens will begin!

Vittorio Veneto: That's how, and I, on the contrary, worry.

Volodymyr: Why?

Vittorio Veneto: I'm worried about my sister Littorio, because according to the information we received, my sister's patrol group was the first to push with the siren fleet, and knowing her, she will not want to back down. Because she always fights for glory and to show off in front of others.

I walked over to Vittorio and hugged her, what I surprised her a little.

Volodymyr: Don't worry, I promise to protect your sister and the other girls.

Vittorio Veneto: (mind) after his words I felt better and when he hugged me I felt so warm and pleasant. (speak) Thanks.

Vittorio answered me with relief and a very nice smile.

Volodymyr: (mind) She has such a beautiful smile, and in general she is mesmerizing with her beauty. As one Italian from the movie The Godfather said, "Sicilian women are more dangerous than guns". And she is a very good person, damn you don't have to think about it now.

Akagi/Atago/Prinz Eugen: *look at Vittorio*(mind) And another new rival.

After I calmed down Vittorio, the Graf approached us.

Graf Zeppelin: Sorry to distract you from your flirting, but I wanted to ask again, you said about taking revenge on the sirens. What exactly do you want to do with them?

Vittorio's face turned as red as Bismarck's after the Graf's words, then she let go of me and turned away in embarrassment. I was also a little embarrassed by her words, but I quickly recovered to answer the Graf's question.

Volodymyr: I will arrange a genocide of the Sirens.

After my answer, the Graf came almost close to me, which surprised me a little. And we looked into each other's eyes.

Graf Zeppelin: . . .

Volodymyr: . . .

Graf Zeppelin: Comrade.

Volodymyr: Comrade ?

Graf Zeppelin: That's right, we are comrades, because you want to exterminate sirens like me. To me, you don't deserve any amount of hatred.

Azur Lane: the leader of a nation in another worldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora