xl. the call of the void

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the underground

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tw: mentions of a drug addiction, implied drug use, brief mentions of alcoholism.

also novotny is just a random guy i made up


"Cut the bullshit, Cid," Hunter said. They had arrived back on Ord Mantell not long before, after their brief yet time consuming trip to Daro. "You said you knew someone who had the official plans of the layout of the imperial facility on Coruscant. Who?"

"I need you guys to do a job for me first," Cid tried to argue.

"We've done enough jobs where we haven't been paid a fair amount for."

"That's because of all your guys' dumbass expenses. Food and such."

"We need food to survive."

"Not my problem."

"We'll do a job for you as soon as we get back from Coruscant," Hunter tried to reassure, but his frustrated tone overtook his sympathetic one. He sighed, recollecting himself. "Please? This is urgent."

Cid glared at him and crossed her arms. "What's in it for me?"

"Our lives will be even more jeopardized if we don't acquire the information at the base," Hunter argued. "You won't have people to run your little errands for you."

"'Little errands?!'" Cid yelled. "The little errands that are the jobs that are keeping you guys afloat. If you don't want them, fine by me. I would love to shut down this clone clubhouse you guys have turned this bar into."

"That's not I meant-"

"At this point, I might as well turn you in to the empire myself."

"Cid, we need to get to Coruscant before we complete any more missions. Is that clear?"

"Fine," Cid grunted. "I don't have anything for you guys to do anyway."

"Then why insist that we do a job for you?"

Cid shrugged her shoulders. "Because."

"You're wasting our time," Hunter said, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

"And you just lost yourself your contact."

"Just tell us who it is," Hunter said, getting annoyed.

"Novotny. He's a bounty hunter. He might be able to have a lead for you. He's currently in the underground of Coruscant. He's relatively new to the scene, but has already managed to make a hell of a lot of connections. He tends to hop around bars, like the alcoholic he is. Similar to you, Hunter."

"Okay, that wasn't necessary."

"It was a joke, bandana," Cid argued. "Lighten up."

"It's not something to joke about," Rex said, arguing on Hunter's side.

"Too bad," Cid said, shrugging her shoulders. "This is the only place you guys can go where people won't take advantage of your strengths for their 'little errands' and manipulate you into trusting them only to turn you in to the empire to make some money to pay their own debts. So I suggest you toughen up or leave."

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