iii. remnants of the separatists

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remnants of the separatists

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The ride to the moon was smooth enough in itself, however, all four of them knew that that was by far the easiest part, even though that in itself could've been challenging. Wasskah was in the Mid-Rim territories, so it wasn't extremely far from Ord Mantell.

"We're there already?" Wrecker asked.

Echo, who was in the cockpit, rolled his eyes and looked back at Wrecker. "Isn't that a good thing?"

"Yes but," Wrecker stuttered, and hesitated to continue. "We barely have a plan."

"Well then we'll just have to wing it, won't we?" Echo said.

"Tech said that we can't."

Tech came from the back of the ship with the artillery needed for the mission, having eavesdropped on Echo and Tech's entire conversation.

"I did say that. It's a base designed and built by the empire. You and Hunter aren't just going to break into it like it's just another mission."

Hunter sat in the front of the cockpit, holding his head, worried about Omega.

"Hey Hunter, you've been unusually quiet this trip, what's gotten into you?" Wrecker asked.

"He just knows we won't make it out of there alive with that shit plan he gave us," Echo said.

"Can you all just stop it?! Just stop! We can't just wing this damn mission. This is the most dangerous mission we've ever been on. All of our lives are at stake. This is the only option. We need a clear, detailed plan, before we go near that base. Is anyone even listening to me?! There's no other way to go about this. If we wing it we all die, either quickly or a slow, painful death. If we leave and go back to Ord Mantell to figure out a plan, who knows what they'll do to her. She might end up like Echo. Wires going in and out of her head. Constantly transferring information. She'll become an unwitting pawn for the Empire. They'll turn her into a cyborg. They'll torture her! So no, we have no option. We're going to that fucking moon to get her. Does everyone understand?" Hunter snapped.

No one responded.

"Does everyone understand?!" he repeated, this time shouting it.

"Well we don't even have a plan, so why don't we just-"

"Echo, don't make me regret going to Skako Minor to save your ass from the Separatists."

"You know what Hunter," Echo started, "it wasn't even you that came to get me. It was Rex. Rex was the one that cared. I'm the only one that actually knows what being controlled by the enemy is like. You don't! None of you do! Crosshair would never do that to Omega no matter the circumstances, and no matter how much the empire pressures him to do it. It's just best if we go back. None of us could come up with a half decent plan. Well I have one for us. Let's turn back. Go back to Ord Mantell and come up with a good plan and come back and get her. But we can't just go in there with no plan! It doesn't work like that. Regret going to Skako Minor, I don't care. I would've have been better off if you didn't-"

Hunter was so angry at Echo at that moment, that he took his blaster from the table and shot it, the blast just missing Echo's head.

"Hey hey hey hey," Tech said, grabbing the blaster from Hunter.

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