xxix. the consumption of insanity

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the consumption of insanity

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On the journey from Bracca to Ord Mantell, Echo couldn't stop thinking about what Omega had told him over the comm link when she had told them to go to Bracca early. What was wrong with Tech? Was it really the poison? Or was it just his injuries? Or maybe a combination of both? Whatever it was, he wanted to ask her. But, he knew that Tech would be upset at her for telling him. But he needed to know. What if it became fatal? He couldn't lose another one of his brothers. He decided the best option was to ask Omega. He would take the blame if Tech got mad at her.

Echo left the cockpit and went to the back of the ship, where Omega sat, Lula in her lap. He sat next to her, hoping that she wouldn't get mad at him for asking her when Tech wasn't too far away.

"So," Echo said, speaking to Omega softly, so that the other crew members couldn't hear him. "What happened on Bracca?"

"What do you mean?" Omega replied, looking up at him.

"You know what I mean," Echo said, continuing the same tone from earlier. "With Tech and all."

"You know I can't talk about that," Omega snapped, talking quieter than Echo had been. "What if Tech hears us talking about that."

"Are you that scared to talk about it?"

"I'm scared of what Tech will do if he knows what I told you. He's not himself."

"He already suspects something."


"You'll be fine."

"No I won't!"

"If he hasn't killed you by now that he's not going to kill you-"

"God, Echo, how the hell did you make it obvious?!" Omega whisper-yelled.

"He was being stubborn so I may have hinted that I knew something was wrong."

"Why was that your first instinct?!"

"Stop avoiding my question." Echo said, more sternly, but still somewhat gentle.

"What was your question?"

"What happened on Bracca?"

"I told you what happened."

"Briefly and vaguely."

"Nevertheless, I still told you."

"Omega, I'm going to ask you one more time, what happened on Bracca-"

"I don't want to talk about it," Omega said, cutting him off, bringing her legs to her chest and hugging her knees.

"Omega..." Echo started to say, his voice trailing off.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you."

"Was it really that bad."

"I mean, he threatened to kill me."

"How many times did that happen?"

"Only once, a little while ago, when he got really upset. More recently, he's just been falling more and more ill. That's why I called you guys to get us. Even though it was risky to come get us so soon, I couldn't just let him die."

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