For Them All

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"Finley..." Jorge wears a look of pity. I hate when people do that. 

"What?" I try to muster up a smile as if I am fine even though it is quite obvious I am not. My tear-stricken face, red eyes, runny nose, and blotchy skin are evidence of that. "I'm fine." I do not even know why I am upset. I should be thrilled that Theo is alive. And, I am. It is just that... why did they not tell me that he was alive? Why did they not tell me that I was the cure? Why did they lie? Why am I even asking these questions when the answers are obvious why? Because this is W.C.K.D, and this is my mother we are talking about. 

You think by now that I would be used to her antics, however, a little part of me still wishes for her to act like an actual mother one day. Foolish, I know. 

"Brenda!" Minho's voice comes from a few feet behind me, him and Gally finally catching up. "Where's the serum?" He asks quickly. She holds up the bottle and before she or anyone could move, before she could hand it to Minho, I take it from her grasp and then turn on my heels. 

We are running out of time. If I am going to save Newt and Theo, I have to run fast like my life depends on it. Which it does not but rather depends on two other lives. I need to not only do this for Theo and Newt but I also need to do this for Ben. 

"FIN!" I hear their voices in the distance behind me as I jump down the stairs, rejoining the burning flames and flying bullets coming from which way. I hear the faint sound of boot-clad feet hitting the pavement behind me, assuming it is the others I keep going. I must keep going. 

For Alby, for Neil, for Winston.

I jump over debris that is sprawled across the ground, some debris being bodies. I must keep going.

For Chuck, for Phil, for Jeff.

Gunshots echo through the night from just a few feet away. A W.C.K.D guard's body collapses to the ground, a pool of blood immediately surrounding his now motionless body. I must keep going.

For Andrew, for Clint, for Adam.

My legs shake under my weight and under my speed. I must keep going.

For Zart, for Nick, for Jack.

I feel like I am going to throw up, sweat dripping down the back of my neck causing my hair to stick. I must keep going.

For Wyck, for Frankie, for George. 

We enter a tunnel of abandoned cars and blazing fire, men and women from Lawrence's team shooting at the guards of W.C.K.D. Bullets soared past me, an ongoing shootout between the two sides. A bullet comes so close to me that I feel it graze my ear. Warm, thick blood trickled down my ear and the side of my neck within seconds. I must keep going. 

For them all.  

"FINLEY!" I hear Minho scream, louder than his and Gally's protests have been through this whole time. I spare a second to look back over my shoulder, seeing them having to crouch down behind a car from getting caught in the crosse fire. I must keep going. 

For them all. 

I run towards a group of Lawrence's people, their guns held high and tight in their grip, pointed at the guards around me, their guns pointing at me momentarily before they recognize who I am. Finley Paige. That is who a lot of them referred to me as in the last day no matter how many times I corrected them, telling them they can just call me Finley, or Fin even. I hate being referred to as a Paige because it reminds me of all the things my mother has done, all of the blood on her hands. 

I am not a Paige. I am nothing like her. 

If I was I would not care for all of the lives of everyone. The blood on her hands has been passed onto my own simply because of how apathetic she is towards the well-being of others that does not include herself or her company. I care about everyone, and I am reluctant to say but I even care about her and all the W.C.K.D workers, including Teresa. Well, except for Janson. 

I care for everyone and I will run to save their lives if I have to. I would and am running for Ben, for Alby, for Neil, for Winston, for Chuck, for Phil, for Jeff, for Andrew, for Clint, for Adam, for Zart, for Nick, for Jack, for Wyck, for Frankie, for George. For Gally, for Theo, for Newt, for Minho, Brenda, for Thomas, for Frypan, for Jorge, for Aris, for Harriet, for Vince, for Sonya. For all dead and for all alive. For them all, I must keep going. 

I pump my arms, I pump my legs, and I pump my lungs for more air, more oxygen to keep going. I must keep going. 

I see two figures ahead once I turn a corner, and as my eyes come accustomed to the two bright lights behind them, I notice the familiar head of blonde hair and the familiar head of brown hair. 

I slow down as I come closer, they seem to be fighting. Before I can take in the scene completely they tumble to the ground, Thomas' back colliding with the cold, hard concrete ground. Newt hovers above him, a knife in his hand. I watch in frozen fear as Newt presses the tip of the sharp, shiny metal to Thomas' chest, pressing down with all of his might as Thomas tries to fight his grasp. 

"No," I breathe out. I rush forward, serum in hand. I come to stand behind the two, fist held high in the air before slamming the tip of the point of injection into the side of Newt's neck. He lets out an inhumane growl as the blue liquid trickles out of the clear glass bottles. His grip loosening on the knife momentarily as his neck slowly turns to look over his shoulder at me. He screams at the top of his lungs before jumping to his feet, swinging the knife in my direction. The glass vile falls to the ground, shattering. 

"NEWT!" Thomas shouts, pushing himself to his feet. 

I dodge Newt's multiple attempts of swinging the knife at me, awfully close to my abdomen. Thomas pulls Newt back by the collar of his jacket, landing a punch to his jaw, I try to conceal my gasp. Unfortunately, Thomas' attempt does little as Newt now begins to progress towards him, knife swinging in every which direction. I try to do the same as Thomas did for me, pulling Newt away from him, however, my strength is in no comparison to one of a crank. Thomas jumps back before the two collide, the sound of the knife puncturing skin echoes through the night as everything becomes silent, once more. 

My eyes widen, my heart stops at the same time as Newt's and Thomas'. Newt lets out a grunt before Thomas takes a step back and from where I am standing I can see the knife as it sticks out of Newt's chest. 

"Tommy," Newt's voice is faint, eyes glossed, swaying slightly as he stands. They look at one another, their eyes staring into one another with pure fear. I stand to the side, trying to not make any sound as my body shakes, tears streaming down the side of my cheeks. 

Newt's body begins to lean backwards, falling towards the ground. "No, no," Thomas grunts, trying to catch his body. I lift my hand to my mouth, trying to hold back my sobs, using the sleeve of my jacket to wipe the snot that runs from my nose. Newt's body lays flat on the ground, Thomas staring down with numbness, a feeling that we have all become so used to at the loss of the one we love. "No, no, no," he repeats. Each word breaks me even more. 

I take a slow step forward, looking at Newt from behind Thomas. His eyes are wide open, staring at the starry night, black drool coming from his lips coming to a stop, tears on the side of his face drying up. 

I watch as a small puff of air comes from between his lips, hitting the cold air, and then nothing. 

Absolutely nothing. 

Nothing at all.  


I lied. I did a second chapter tonight instead of tomorrow because I remembered I have an exam on Monday that I should be studying for... *insert face palm*... Nah, more like *insert sobbing, insert hitting my head off of my desk, insert quitting school*... Yeah, that sounds more like it. 

If anyone has exams, I wish you all the best of luck. Or if you have already done your exams, I still wish you all the best of luck. 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter... I know I didn't enjoy writing it. I, especially do not recommend reading it while listing to Wait, My Tears Are Becoming a Sea, or Outro (all by M83)- made me ball my eyes out more than Finley did as she watched Newt get stabbed. 

What a fun way to end the day!

Much love, 

- Alex <3

Promises Remade ☆ Gally - TDC | ONGOINGजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें