Six Months of Hell

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Third Person POV:

Six months.

It has been six months since Teresa betrayed the gladers. It has been six months since WCKD attacked the Right Arm. It has been six months of the remaining survivors of the Right Arm working hard to track down the kids that WCKD had taken. It has been six months of torture and pain for Minho, Finley, Aris, and Sonya.It has been six stressful and long months for them all.

They all began to lose hope.

From the start, Finley had wished that the others had gone to the Safe Haven, but a part of her wished that they would find a way to save them. However, as the six months went on, she sat there watching in dread. Carving a tally into the wall beside her bunk as each day passes, losing hope slowly.

As for Thomas, the man in charge of finding his friends, he began to feel like they would never find them. Each lead that he would have would end in being a failure. He rarely slept, instead he stayed awake, waiting for something or anything that would lead him to find his friends, losing hope slowly.

That was all until a week ago. Vince and Thomas heard some WCKD workers talking over a radio set. That is when they learned about a train passing through a mile away from where they were hiding out - a train that should have all the immune on there. Hopefully, including Minho, Finley, Aris, and Sonya. This refilled the hope Thomas needed and they set off to begin their plan to attack.

And now?

Now, Brenda and Jorge waited  in the truck nearby for the train to come into view. "They're late," Jorge muttered, looking at his pocket watch. They waited on a small hill as the minutes passed by. With each minute that passed, the two began to worry more. Brenda then looked down at her own watch to see that the train was, in fact, late. Thoughts of the train taking a different route or that the information was off or a lie had taken their course through the overwhelmed minds of the two. However, as if it was on cue, the loud blaring sound of a train horn rumbled through the desert. Jorge rolled up his window while the adrenaline began to pump through his veins and he revved the engine of the truck. Brenda grabbed her rifle to load it when Jorge pulled the metal up that covered the side windows.

They looked over at one another, sharing a look before Jorge pushed his foot down on the gas and they skidded down the hill at full speed. Puffs of dust were left behind them as they caught up to the train, now driving alongside the numerous carts being pulled across the never-ending tracks. Brenda took a deep breath in preparation for what was to come next. "For Fin," she muttered under her breath as Jorge picked up the speed.

Inside one of the train carts, the echoing sound of the revving engine could be heard. Finley's ear perked up at the sound, curiosity immediately taking form. The cart was full of rows of seats, all of which were filled with children chained into place for no potential escapees. She glanced around the cart to see that a couple of the other kids in the cart had also heard the abnormal sound. Over the last couple of days, WCKD has been moving the group of kids from one compound to another via train, and never once did Finley hear the sound of this engine.

A small smile grew on her face, instantly knowing what was going to happen.

Jorge and Brenda continued to proceed along the train until they were neck and neck with the conductors at the front of the train. The sounds of their truck did not go unnoticed by the conductors who both looked out the window to find the warn-down truck speeding at 100 km per hour beside them.

As the conductors were focused on Brenda and Jorge, Vince and Thomas drove across the fields of dead grass towards the back of the train, going unnoticed.

"Brenda, coming up behind! Keep em' busy!" Thomas instructed through a walkie-talkie simultaneously as Vince shifted the gears of the truck to pick up speed.

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