Prone to Injury

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Brenda shoots multiple shots at each oncoming crank while the three boys and I move fast to get into the truck. Frypan and Thomas jump into the trunk while Newt and I slip into the back seats. "Go, Jorge!!" Fry calls.

"Step on it!!" I shout just as Jorge slams his foot onto the gas. Brenda hops down into the passenger seat, yelling for Jorge to go as well as the rest of us. Jorge drives through the tunnel, continuing the way that we were intending to go in the first place. Looking back, I see a swarm of cranks racing after them with hunger and fury. "That was a close one," I chuckle with a nervous smile while I turn back around in my seat to face Brenda and Jorge.

The darkness that the tunnel held fades away. The bright sun beams down from the bright, blue skies above. I had honestly forgotten that it was daytime. I quickly find comfort in the light of the sun, my fear and terror of being attacked by cranks vanishing almost instantly as the heat beats down on the bare, uncovered flesh of my arms where the sleeves of my jacket had been rolled up.

Once the truck finds its path back on the gravel road, Jorge pushes down the metal cover that had been covering his window where glass once was. "I'm impressed!" He informs the kids in the back of his truck. "You guys almost lasted a whole day."

"Gee, thanks," I roll my eyes with a smile. A smile that Jorge sent back to me when our eyes meet through the rearview mirror.

"You good?" Thomas asks Newt, slight worry plastered across his features.

"Yeah," Newt nodded, taking a deep breath.

Brenda turns around in her seat beside Jorge, looking back at me before glancing at Thomas. All she did was shake her head at the four of us in the back. Thomas scoffs, "I'm sorry. I didn't wanna bring you guys into this." Brenda glances at Jorge, and Jorge glances back at Brenda. The two shared a look of disbelief.

"I think what he's trying to say is thanks for saving us," Frypan pokes his head between Newt and I. Thomas sends a small smile to Brenda at Fry's words.

"You're welcome."

"Hey," Jorge catches our attention. "Don't get your hopes up. That checkpoint back there, that was the city's last defence. If that was overrun, chances are the city it, too," Jorge says truthfully.

"Great," I cross my arms across my chest, slouching into my seat. "Almost killed by a hoard of cranks for nothing."

"Yeah, unless they figured out some other way to keep the cranks out." Newt ignores my comment, his attention focused outside of the truck and in the distance.

"What the hell kind of riddle is that, Shakespeare?" I furrowed my brows, gaze moving to Newt. The truck jerks to an abrupt stop, one that I had not expected. My body flies forcefully into the back of Brenda's seat. "Shit," I breath out, rubbing my forehead. Everyone moves to hop out of the truck quickly. "What? What did I miss?!" I call out as I try to join them. Pushing the truck door open and hobbling around to the driver's side where the others stand, staring at what waits ahead. "The last city?" I look to Jorge for confirmation.

Jorge nods slowly, slightly awestruck.

"Real original," I refer to the walls that surround the city. I roll my eyes and lean against the side of the truck, hoping to take some pressure off of my leg.

"Funny..." Newt spoke up. "Spent three years trapped behind walls, trying to back out. And, now we wanna break back in."

"Yeah, it's hilarious," Frypan says in monotone. 

"Jorge, how do we get in?" Thomas asks.

"Don't look at me, Hermano. Those walls are new. I guess that's W.C.K.D's answer for everything."

"Well, we ain't gonna figure it out from up here." Brenda nods, moving back towards the truck. "Let's go!" She calls. I move to walk beside Brenda, back to the passenger side of the truck. Brenda takes notice of my limp. The brunette stops, grabbing my elbow, and turning me around to face her. Her eyes immediately find the slash on my thigh. The cloth of my pants is darkened from the blood and the ripped t-shirt tied tightly around my leg makes it very obvious. "What happened?" Brenda questions, concern laced through her words. Eyes widened in urgency.

"Don't act so surprised, Brenda. You should have learned by now that I am prone to injuries." I am about to turn back around, however, Brenda catches my elbow again.

"Finley. Seriously, what happened?"

I sigh, "During the crash back in the tunnel, I must have got caught on something. I don't know, honestly. It all happened so fast. I didn't even notice until afterwards." Brenda's uneasy look does not budge nor does her grip on my elbow. "I'm fine, Brenda. Really. I am. I'm sure there will be something in the Last City that I can use to stitch it up. Come on," I smile at the other girl in an attempt of reassurance. I shuffle out of Brenda's grip and limp towards the back seat of the truck before hopping in.

I grab my bag and use the rest of my spare, ripped t-shirt to cover up the gash on my thigh. I do not want everyone's concern to be on a silly cut when their concern should be on Minho.

Frypan hops into the truck causing me to quickly adjust my pant legs to hide the already blood-dampened cloth. Jorge jumps in next. Brenda stands alone momentarily, an unsure and nervous look etched across her face. She stands still a few seconds before finally moving to the truck. Jorge starts up the engine and it takes another few seconds before Newt and Thomas join the rest of them after sharing a few words. An odd atmosphere takes the truck as we continue the drive. Nerves radiating off of Brenda. Newt was obviously uncomfortable. Uneasiness falls in waves off of Thomas. Frypan was tense, oddly. And, Jorge seemed not to notice any of the tensions. I found myself feeling awkward, unsure what to do or what to say to ease the strong emotions that suffocated everyone in the truck.

Instead, I stayed silent. For once in my lifetime, knowing that no matter what I say, it would not change anyone's mood.

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