Breaking and Entering is Illegal

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One. Two. One. Two. One. Two. One. Two. One. Two. 

I watch my feet step one in front of the other, boots hitting the ground with a small thud that rings through my ears while my heart is in my throat. My hands shake as I hold the gun close to my chest, my knees feel like they are about to give out underneath me, and my hair sticks to the back of my neck from the immense heat under this helmet. I had been stuck in a maze for five months and I am feeling more claustrophobic in this stupid uniform than ever. 

I keep a few steps behind Teresa and Thomas as we walk through the streets of the Last City. I feel sick to my stomach at the memories from the last time I had been here. I almost have the need to stop at one of the trash cans on the side of the road and throw up in it from the mere thought of going back into that building. And, not to mention the fear of the possibility of seeing Doctor Paige again. 

Thomas looks back at me, nodding as a signal for me to move forward. I do so as we enter the horrid building, walking through the doors that are guarded by ten or so men in similar uniforms to the one that Thomas and I are wearing. We proceed through a machine that lights up green. A few guards walk past, eyeing us to which I send a curt nod. The man nodded back with a small smile and I let out a breath. However, we are stopped when a guard in a red uniform stands in front of us. Newt. We stare at one another for a moment before he nods to his left, turning and walking down a hallway. 

I walk and keep up with Newt as Teresa and Thomas stay behind, not wanting to draw too much attention to us. We walk down a set of stairs that leads to another hallway with glass on one side that shows the parking lot to the building. Another guard walks in step with Newt and me as we move forward. Newt falls back a step while the guard moves to walk beside me after entering a set of sliding glass doors. 

"I thought I told you to go with Brenda," his voice low. 

"Yeah, and I said no." I keep my gaze set on the empty hallway ahead of me, not paying any mind to Gally. 

"Fin, you shouldn't be here at all. You should have stayed with Lawrence or gone with Jorge even. Your leg is not anywhere near to being healed." 

"Let's not talk about this now," I sigh. "We have bigger things to worry about. Like how breaking and entering is illegal." 

"How did you even get a suit?" He questions, ignoring my comments and increasing his pace to keep up with me. 

"I threatened some guy," I shrugged. 

"Of course you did." It was Gally's turn to now sigh. 

"Shouldn't expect anything less." I smile up at him even though he cannot see it behind the mask. We come to a stop at a doorway which Teresa uses her thumb to scan in. Pushing the door open, she takes a step in and I follow, the three boys right behind me. We are about to go down the stairs when Gally stops us. 

"Hold on. Hold on," he calls. "I can get in here." He lifts his helmet to get to work. 

"Throw me the walkie," Thomas orders which Gally follows, tossing the walkie over. "Check the stairwell, and check in with Brenda and Fry." 

I nod, "got it." I move down the stairs, my gun held tightly and firm as I round the corners of each landing. The stairwell is clear, no one else is in here besides us. I climb back up the stairs to the others, lifting my helmet as I go to check in on Fry and Brenda. "Eagle one, this is eagle two. Do you copy?" I ask into the small device, pressing down on a red button. 

"Really?" I look up to Thomas who is looking at me with no signs of shock but rather unamusement. 

"What?" I act innocent. 

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