Promises To Last

718 16 24

A Couple of Days Later:

The wind blows a cool breeze off of the shore and onto land, blowing my hair back. The constant breeze brings in the salty sea scent of the water– a constant reminder of our freedom. I allow a small smile to crease my face at the thought of us finally making it somewhere safe. Though the smile does not last long as my eyes instinctively move to look at my left hand which shakes on its own. The image flashes behind my eyes; my hand wrapped around the gun, fighting Theo's grip before the two shots ring out. 

It is the same image that has as flagged my mind since our arrival at the Safe Haven. And, my many attempts at pushing it away have failed.

I take a shaky breath, trying to calm myself, the salty air now burning the hairs of my nostrils. 

"Finley?" My shaky hand flies to my face, wiping the evidence of any tears away, although there are none. It feels as though I have no more tears left to cry. "You okay?" The sound of boots shuffling against the long, green grass is heard before I see him sit down on the ground beside me. I feel his gaze on the side of my face, however, I do not meet his. I keep my eyes focused on the water at the bottom of the cliff, watching my legs dangle. He accepts my silence and sits beside me for what feels like an hour, waiting patiently for me. 

Always waiting so patiently for me. I feel terrible for how I have dragged him along for so long. Always giving him hope and then breaking it. 

"Gally?" My voice croaks. 

He quickly replies, "yeah?"

"I'm sorry for being such a bitch." The words come out before I can stop them.


"You have waited for me, just like you said you would, and I keep dragging you along, and I feel bad for wasting your time."

"Don't. I am here for the long haul or until you tell me that I have a zero percent chance, then I will still be here, waiting, but that's not the point-" he huffs a small laugh, "my point is that..." He pauses. "I remember someone telling me once, before the maze, that sometimes waiting is not a waste of time, especially when the thing that you are waiting for is worth it. And, frankly, I think that you are worth it, Finley."

I meet his gaze, the image of Theo coming to mind again. "But, what if you realize that I am not worth it."

"That will never happen." His brows furrow. "What is this really about, Fin?"

"Nothing," I quickly answer. 

"Fin... come on, tell me what's bugging you."

I look away from him, no longer able to give his gaze. My lips part, trying to find the right words. "It wasn't my fault, was it?" I question.  

"W-what?" Gally seems slightly shocked at my words. "Of course, it wasn't your fault. Why would you think that." He says although I am unsure if he even knows what I am talking about. 

"Everyone that we have lost has died because of me-" 

Gally cuts me off, "That is not true, Fin-"

I cut him off in return, "Yes, it is. Because I can be only blamed for my mother's actions. I should have done more to stop her. Because of her, so many people have died. You know what she told me before she...?" My words trailed off, not able to say it. I slowly turn my head, eyes meeting his soft gaze again. He nods, understanding what I am trying to say. "She told me she didn't want to do it but that she had to. I know we all have to do things we don't want to do sometimes, but, I mean, we still have a choice, right? Like Mary?" 

He nods, once again in understanding as I have told him about Mary, and has heard the many stories of her in the last couple of days of our arrival here at the Safe Haven. "Yeah, sometimes we have to do certain things, but we all still have a choice," he agrees. "And, you made the choice of trying to stop your mother, not helping her or aiding in any way to the things she was doing. Finley," his eyes grow sincere, grabbing my hand closest to his, cradling it in his own while rubbing small circles over my bruised knuckles with the pad of his thumb. "You were only a child. There is no way anyone would expect you to have done anything, let alone blame you for Ava's actions. You did the best you could have done." His gaze moves to look out into the distance of the ocean. "We all make mistakes. And, we have to live with our actions. But no one should have to be blamed for something they did not do or had any choice in. You should not be blaming yourself."

Promises Remade ☆ Gally - TDC | ONGOINGDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora