Safe At Last

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The sound of laughter echoes around me as I work to weave the long strands of grass reeds into what will hopefully turn out to be a basket at the end. However, I have never been one to be crafty. That is much said and evident when Brenda ends up taking it from me, saying she will finish it for me, and to go take a break, and find something to eat. Though I do not feel hungry, instead I wander the camp that we have set up and assisted Vince in completing over the last couple of days. 

We have made it to the Safe Haven that we have been dreaming of and trying so hard to get to. Even though we did not all make it here, I can feel all of the Gladers, and my brothers, smiling down on us. And, with the thoughts of all who had not made it, I think of those who almost did not make it here but did. I look over my shoulder, my gaze moving across the camp in search of a specific person. 

I smile when our eyes meet and quickly make my way towards him. "Hey, Fin." He greets with a small smile. 

"Hey," I smile back. "Need a hand?" I ask, pointing to the basket in his hands. He quickly nods, grateful for the assistance. I move to stand beside him and begin to help pick off the grapes from the bush, placing each one into the basket. "How are you feeling?" I question, although I know the answer as this is not the first time that I have asked him today. 

"I feel fine, Finley. My chest is healing, and the symptoms are all gone. Thanks to you," he adds.

"Don't thank me, I did nothing, Newt." 

"That is a lie. You helped get the serum from Janson, and the one to inject me with it, and helped stitch me and Tommy up. You did a lot, more than you could ever know," he smiles at me softly. "Anyway, enough about me. How are you?" 

"I'm fine." My response is met with silence, and when I look over to Newt, his head is tilted with a stern look. "What? I am fine. W.C.K.D is defeated and we're safe." 

He nods slowly, "and how are things with Gally?" I do not say anything. "Finley. Have you two not talked yet?!" 

I roll my eyes, "shut up, Newt. We'll talk when we talk, okay? We both have been very busy."

"And, by that you mean you have been very busy avoiding him and he has been very busy trying to get your attention?" This time it is my turn to give him a stern look. I have no response to his words as he is one hundred percent accurate, and he knows it. "How about you take a break, and go find him and talk with each other, clear the air for bloody sake." 

"I don't know where he even is, who knows where Vince has sent him off to work-" 

"He's over there," Newt nods his head to his left. "And, I know that because I have heard the builders calling for medical assistance at least five times today because someone keeps hitting their hand with the hammer because– and I quote– has been too distracted. How much do you wanna bet that this someone is too distracted because he is staring at some pretty blonde girl who has been ignoring him?" 

"I will talk to him, Newt. Just not now, I still need time to wrap my head around some things." 

He nods in understanding, "all right, fine." His eyes flicker from mine to over my head, staring at something in the distance. By the way his face lightens and his gaze softens, I can tell it is not something but rather someone. I follow his gaze to see Thomas walking from the medical tent. I take the basket of grapes and other fruits and veggies from Newt and nod my head toward where Thomas is met with a wide embrace from Minho. 

"Take your own advice, Newt." He chuckles lightly before nodding and walking towards everyone who has now gathered around Thomas. I follow suit,  and after Newt and Thomas share a few words– ones of shock, sadness, and gratefulness– his eyes find mine. He reaches over and gives me a huge hug, one that I quickly reciprocate, not knowing how much I had been needing a hug since we had arrived. 

"I'm sorry about Theo, Fin," he whispers into my hair. 

"I'm sorry about Teresa." I feel him nod and with a small squeeze we pull apart. He smiles down at me before moving on to greet the next person. 

"Hey, Gally," Thomas' voice stays polite, and he reaches out to shake Gally's hand. My body goes slightly rigid when realizing that Gally had been standing behind me, and how close he was. I take a deep breath, reminding myself soon. Very soon. 

A/N -

She's alive!

I feel horrible for not writing for so long even though there is only a couple chapters left until the end, but, once again, school is stressful. As it always seems to be. 

I hope everyone has been having a good start for the school year, and I will have another chapter or two out soon to finish the book off. 

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed!

Much love, 

- Alex <3

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