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Draco groaned as he slowly woke up. His neck hurt from the awkward position he slept in, when his eyes came too, he realized he wasn't in his room...he wasn't in his flat. His head raised, and he looked around and that's when he realized that someone was resting on his chest. He was about to kick Theo off his chest when he saw a head of unruly curls. His eyes landed on Theo who was cuddling with Pansy and he quickly realized that Granger was sleeping on him.

He didn't know what to do.

Part of him wanted to throw her off.

The other part didn't want to move her.

Because if he was being honest; this was the first time that he has slept without waking up in a panic.

He heard her moan softly and an arm wrapped itself around his torso.

Granger held him tight as she continued sleeping on his chest.

"You two look cute."

Draco looked away from Granger and made eye contact with Theo.

"What?" Draco asked annoyed.

"You two look cute," Theo repeated.

"You're off your meds," Draco muttered.

Theo didn't say anything, Draco looked back at him and saw Theo staring at Pansy who was holding onto him tightly.

"Just tell her," Draco whispered.

"I can't" Theo murmured "we—"

"If you say that you have to do the right thing, I'm going to kick your arse," Draco threatened. 

Theo sighed.

"I can't," he whispered.


Theo didn't say anything.

"Have you talked to your brother?" Draco asked changing the conversation.

"He's not my brother, you and Blaise are my brothers," Theo spat.


"What do you want me to do Draco? Hold his hand and sing kumbaya?" Theo asked.

"What's Kumbaya?" Draco asked confused.

"Something Granger said, it must be a Muggle thing—the point is, what do you want me to do Draco? Talk to the offspring from my fathers affair?"

"I'm saying is that you can't take this out on Zackary for your father's actions, your father was an arsehole and his cheating arse got another witch pregnant."

"Whose side are you on?"

"Yours Theodore, but when you get prissy you take it out on us, and quite honestly I'm ready to throttle you."

"Sodding hell shut up."

Both Draco and Theo turned to Blaise who was slowly waking up and glaring at them two.

"Look Theodore, you got put into a shite position but what can you do about it? Your father cheated, this other witch got pregnant, you have a younger brother, suck it up and move on, I'm sure this kid doesn't want anything to do with you either but the longer you hold onto this anger, the more your father will win and that bastard doesn't deserve anything else but to burn in the deepest parts of hell," Blaise said, sitting up and looking at Theo.

"So you're saying that I should acknowledge this half brother I have?"

"Yes," both Draco and Blaise responded.

Theo glared at the two of them.

"Look," Draco said, trying to get comfortable while not trying to wake up Granger.


He wouldn't be able to answer that until a few years later.

But he managed to get more comfortable as she was still asleep and looked at Theo.

"You're my brother, you, Blaise and Pansy, you're my family, I may be sleep deprived so this will be the only time you hear me being this stupid but you're all I got, talk to this kid, don't talk to this kid, just know that the only person you will be punishing is yourself, because you care Theodore, try all you want, your father tried to break you and make you heartless but he failed, and you're over thinking this because you know you're going to talk to Zackary, that's the person you are, so get off your stubborn arse and talk to your brother," Draco ordered.

Theo didn't argue anymore.

"Now that we're done with him, might I ask why Miss Hermione Granger is sleeping oh so soundly on your chest?" Blaise smirked.

Draco groaned with annoyance but shut up immediately when Granger moved around. He glared at his friends as they sniggered at his predicament.

"Fifty galleons that by the end of the semester Draco and Granger fall in love." Theo smirked. 

"Eighty to them fall in love midway through the practice."


Draco wondered how he could kill his friends slowly and as painfully as humanly possible all the while getting away with their murder.

He truly wondered why he had rebelled against his father when he befriended the bastard one and the idiotic one

"How much you want to bet that Drakey-poo wants to kill us?" Theo sniggered.

Blaise chuckles softly.

Draco felt Granger moving around and knew that she was waking up. He didn't know what to do so as she stirred; he shut his eyes and pretended to be asleep. His friends panicked and copied him and Draco felt Granger raise her heard.

"What the—"

He didn't move.

He didn't even breathe.

He didn't know what was happening and it took everything in his power not to flinch when he felt a soft hand on his cheek.

"Thank you Malfoy," she whispered softly.

He almost leaped out of his skin when she kissed his cheek. He felt her get up and once he heard the door to her bedroom click close. He exhaled and opened his eyes.

He was met with four eyes.


"Are you still going to tell me you're not falling in love with her?" Theo smirked.

Draco glared at him.

"Wake Pansy up." Blaise said. Not looking weak from Draco as he also had a smirk on his face, "dude you're so smitten."

"My foot had a long overdue introduction with your arse," Draco sneered.

Blaise winked as he got off the couch and stretched out. Yawning as his bones popped back into place.

Draco shot a glance to Theo who was slowly waking Pansy up. Draco stood up and stretched his arms over his head as his shoulders popped.

Blaise stepped out of the flat. Theo led a sleepy Pansy out and Draco stood alone in the flat. 

He touched his cheek with a soft smile on his face before writing a brief note to Granger and leaving it in the spot that he had occupied with her the night prior.

When he left; he got a whiff of old books, cinnamon and English tea with lemon. He smiled once again and touched his chest before closing the door behind him.

He shook his head.

His friends were idiots.

End of Summers *ON HIATUS*Where stories live. Discover now