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Four hours earlier.

Draco had decided to skip class and that had led him to run into Granger who looked as if she was about to pass out.

He didn't know why he helped her.

All he knew was that one second he was walking to the Kitchens.

And the next he had Granger in his arms.

And not only that; he helped her get to the Kitchens so that she wouldn't pass out.

Oh how that bit him in the arse.

Draco was leaving the Kitchens after a quick snack. He was still pretty hungover from the night prior and didn't see who was coming towards him until a fist collided with his stomach and knocking the air out of him.

He wheezed and collapsed before he got pulled back up. Finnigan, Tomas, and another Gryffindor he has no intention of knowing their name stood around him.

"What do you want?" Draco coughed weakly.

"Ron's right," Dean Tomas spat, "you don't deserve to be walking free."

Finnigan punched him in the stomach once again. Draco leaned forward and threw up on the floor.

"Pathetic," the new Gryffindor spat, "the big bad Slytherin can't even keep his stomach."

"We saw what you did with Hermione, do you truly believe that just because you helped her means anything? She still despises you," Finnigan spat.

"Yeah?" Draco taunted.

"Yes," Tomas spat, he threw the paper at him and smirked, "it won't be long before she sees you for what you truly are, a Deatheater that deserves the Dementors Kiss."

They shoved Draco to the floor and walked off laughing. Draco took the papers and stared at the title.

Exclusive interview with Ronald Weasley: all Slytherins should be in Azkaban, especially Draco Malfoy.
Including quotes from Hermione Granger and Harry Potter.

Draco shoved the paper into his bag. He knew nothing good would have come from helping Granger.

And he was right.

It just bit him in the arse.


Present time.

Draco watched as the witch left. He was yet unsatisfied.

He groaned and stared at the ceiling before getting out of bed and getting dressed. He lad to go meet Granger to work on the sodding event.

He got dressed and left his flat. Shuffling over to Granger's door, he raised his hand to knock but heard her yelling at someone.

He knew he shouldn't. But he leaned forward and pressed his ear against the door.

"What was going through your thick skull Ronald Bilius Weasley when you made that interview?!"

He didn't hear the response.

"I don't sodding care if your mother was on fire! I never said anything like that! This is going to bite me in the arse!"

"Oh bloody hell Ronald Weasley this will bite me in the arse! You had no right to lie and say that I said that!"

"Fix this Ronald! Or I swear I will go to Germany and stick my foot so far up your arse that you will be able to taste the leather!"

He heard a commotion inside and tripped over his feet before raising his hand and knocking once.

End of Summers *ON HIATUS*Where stories live. Discover now