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Hermione's nose burned

She took another pill in hopes to diminish the pain.

She was in the Headmistress's office waiting for Malfoy to join them so that they could go over the plans for summer.

And finally start looking for volunteers for the auction.

The door opened roughly and Malfoy stumbled in. He settled beside her and she stared at him. The smell of Firewhiskey reached her nose and she glared at him angrily before turning to the Headmistress.

"Thank you for joining us Mister Malfoy, now...May I ask how the planning is going?" The Headmistress asked.

"Yes...we have finished the plan for the auction and we settled on a picnic date, it's something that anyone could do without feeling awkward or uncomfortable since they will be around other people. We think that if we have six witches and six wizards, it'll be more than enough—"

They went through the itinerary. Malfoy stayed silent for the whole time and Hermione was slowly losing her mind. First he demands everything be changed to the way he wants it and he doesn't even bother to help.

"I like it...but I think if there are seven witches and seven wizards will be better," the Headmistress said.

"W-What?" Hermione stuttered.

"I think to bring everyone together would be for you and Mister Malfoy to join in with the auction," Professor McGonagall smiled.

"What?!" Malfoy exclaimed, it was clear as day that he was pissed drunk and Hermione was infuriated. He couldn't go one day without putting all the load on her.

He was useless.

Hermione ever wondered how in a drunk state she could have thought to be kiss him.

"Yes, it'll make it more appealing and more people would participate knowing that the Head Girl and Head boy will be participating."

"Be we already are doing the dance—"

"I understand that Miss Granger, but the dance is something isolated, this will contribute to the whole school and what better way of bringing people together than having you two participate in something fun like this."

Hermione shook her head mutely.

"I understand that it seems intimidating, but think of the bigger picture, bringing you two in unity will bring this divided school into unity; therefore the rest of the world, the two of you have a lot more influence than you think."

Malfoy scoffed.

"So at the end of the day this will be a publicity stunt, not something that would be beneficial?" Malfoy sneered.

"No, trust me Mister Malfoy, I have your best interest at heart, and I truly believe that if we do this, your futures will look completely different from what you are expecting at this moment."

"How so?" Malfoy jeered. Hermione glared at him. He was drunk and being stupid.

"Brighter, Mister Malfoy, I believe that your future will be brighter and happier."

Malfoy scoffed and grabbed his bag.

"I'm out of here," he muttered and stormed off. Hermione glanced at the Headmistress who looked at her expectantly.

Hermione sometimes hated being the Head Girl.

She sometimes hated being Hermione Granger. Fixer of all sodding things. Including Draco Malfoy.

She ran after Malfoy and reached him at the m foot of the stairs. She blocked him and he glared at her.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Hermione yelled, "you show up an hour late and you're drunk! What the hell Malfoy?!"

End of Summers *ON HIATUS*Where stories live. Discover now