Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


It was odd how right Mizail was. When the different colored female dragons saw me, I was immediately rushed. Some grab my hands while shooting off questions a mile a minute as I couldn't help but smile at them all. They were oddly worried about me. That realization alone made my heart warm.

"Ladies! As much as our new neighbor would love to answer your questions, we're suffocating her! The poor girl is barely healed and you're all bombarding her with questions. Let her breathe first!" A black dragon spoke while stepping up through the crowd. She looked like Mizail but instead of gold tribal markings, hers were white. Her dark blue eyes glanced around the crowd before falling on me. "Welcome to the Alorea Tribe, suna. It's so good to see you're doing much better than when you arrived." She smiled warmly at me as that warm feeling quilted over me. "I'm this fledgling's mama, Yusa. I'm glad to see he finally found his mate," she added. I didn't have the heart to correct her. I couldn't tell this nice dragon lady that I didn't want to be her son's mate. At least not yet. I barely knew him!

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Nuri." I smiled while holding out my hand as she pulled me into a hug, much to my surprise. Just like her son, she was cool to the touch even with the weird leather like dress on. Even though she was cool, her hug felt warm much like my mom's had that I felt myself hugging her back. "You remind me of my mom." I mumbled as she quietly pulled back to smile down at me.

"I'm glad, suna! If you need another hug, I'm always happy to give them out!" She smiled as I fought the urge to go back in for another hug, settling with a nod before she made sure I was steady on my feet. "Now, this little area we currently stay in cooks and prepares meals together when everybody is feeling up to it but we won't force you to join us if you don't want to." She explained while the other women around us nodded. "We're more than happy to teach you anything you like as long as it's something we know how to do. But, we'll save that discussion for when you get better. How about something warm to fill your belly?" She asked as I couldn't help but to smile up at her. I had expected them to be as welcoming as Azora but they were different. They were nicer and much more friendlier.

"Yes, please." I smiled as Yusa led the group towards a larger clay house that was decorated with shiny materials. Looking up at Mizail, I softly nudged him as he looked down at me. "What are those?" I asked while staring at the different colored objects that were placed all in the walls of the clay house. It was interesting to see this particular house had a wooden fence around the front along with some green grass. Just whose house were we about to enter and where in the world did they get grass from? How was it still alive inside the mountain?

"Ah, those are my parents scales along with some of mine from when I was younger." He explained while watching me carefully as I just nodded. Must've been some type of custom. "My people lose scales as we age and sometimes when we go out to hunt food or fight each other." He added as I looked up at him.

"Fight each other?"

"Yeah. Being the leader of the Alorea tribe means you either had it passed down to you as you're blood relatives or you've fought for the position. Somebody can challenge me for my position at any given minute. Were I to lose the challenge, I could lose my position as the leader. But, it also depends on whether or not the tribe and the elders deemed the challenge a fair fight or not." He explained as I looked around us for these potential challengers. Was he serious? Somebody would fight him-this big ass dragon guy-for the position of leader? They either had to be arrogant or stupid to go head to head with him.

But, than again, Mizail did seem like a soft yet nice person. Would he really be able to keep his position? "Which one are you? Did you have to fight for your position or are you related to the previous leader?" I asked while looking up at him as he smiled down at me.

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