He got up slowly...

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Oh…. God
These words were the only words I could utter. My lips were quivering so bad…
I knew that the upcoming moment would be the most terrible of all…

His glowing beastie eyes  were getting closer every second.

But what was most terrible of all  he wasn’t running_

He wasn’t jogging_

He was walking_ as if enjoying a day out in a deadly forest…
He was walking slowly _ towards me, with a smirk knitted on his lips…

He knew I was weak, wimpy, frightened, and afraid of him_ afraid of death…

The sound of the crunching leaves were like stabbing knives  as they were smashed by his boots along his way_ to his lifeless prey…

Nevertheless, I quickly continued searching, without daring looking back at him.

I was washed by  my sweat...
Few moments and he was  standing just right above me_ a feet away.
I couldn’t feel my feet nor my hands_ but thankfully my hand caught what I was looking for.

I was laying on my stomach, obliging myself to breathe slowly_ although my heart was bouncing 1000 time per second.

I looked straight forward with dreadful widened eyes.

I must play dead_ a horrible idea, but nothing to lose.

Barley waiting for the next move of the beast above me, I slowly grabbed the spiky wood with my fingers.

Suddenly he flipped my restless right side to my back with the bottom of his stinky boots so easily as of kicking a ball.

I directly squinted my eyes, and loosened my body like the dead_ however still grabbing the spiky wood in my left hand.
I could feel him kneeling down to my head, and awkwardly sniffing_  which I didn’t know the reason behind it.

I directly squeezed my eyes, as his breath hovered my face. I felt my heart in my throat…. I couldn’t breathe… a soar taste filled my mouth.. A taste of fear...
My blood was running down my head making it heavy as a bull. I tried my best to stay calm_

_ the beast was beside my face.

Unexpectedly, he snatched my throat and raised me up as he slowly stood up. .
I choked...

He settled me in front of his face.

The air’s way to my lungs was cutted by his muscled rough hand..

I tried as much as I can to remain calm and not to panic. I hid the spiky wood somehow behind my back.

He was still squeezing my neck… like a plastic bottle.

I began suffocating.

I squinted a little bit, and saw lights behind him_ few moments and they will arrive and obviously it will be the end of me… No way to survive.. No way to live...

Is it the end of me?..

No_ I could still feel it.. I didn’t know how…

My lungs suffocated.

My face got tightened and my eyes ached badly.

Unconsciously, I raised the spiky wood and aimed to strike his head _ however he thwarted my way with his hand and _just like that_ he crashed it into sprinkles and small sticks.

I stared him right in the eye.

He looked back at me.

Coughing and struggling, trying to take  his hand off, this was his way to bring up his smile: staring and enjoying his prey’s suffering.. I was no more than a mouse trying to free it's self from underneath a huge and enormous beast's claw...


You..” he interrupted the silence of the deadly quite forest. .

My weak body shivered like a dead leaf, got lost by the wind.

He talked. His voice.. wasn’t deep_ nor monstrous as a Wolf should be. His voice was soft. It forced me to look up and stare at him.

You.. killed me.. long ago_” he continued while  squeezing my neck more and more with every word.
“_ long.. ago”, he added  while his eyes got  shinier and  full with hatred much more  then ever.

He knows me???

His words were like rocks thrown on my head in all directions.. I couldn’t think … I couldn’t utter a word_ I began fainting.

Everything was getting foggy_
Everything was drowning in black_

All I saw in these few moments were his bright eye.
They were so terrorizing, so shiny, so… familiar… 

Flames of Revenge danced in them.

He raised his other hand grabbing the knife. .
You… will pay… for it..” his voice got deeper as he clenched his teeth I barley heard or understood his roaring words.

I was able to do nothing but stare..

Seconds later, I wasn’t able to sense my face_ as if it was seperated from my body.

Surrender_ the only thing  I feared to face in my whole life...

His eyes shined with glee as he prepared to stab me.
He held the knife in his hand up as much as his arm would stretch, I assumed it hit the clouds, to strike it in my stomach when suddenly he shouted and dropped me.

I  bumped to the ground but I didn’t feel pain_ as if my body lost its soul..

I took a deep breath. The frozen air struggled it's way down my lungs trying to refresh my wimpy body.
It wasn't refreshing... It scratched my lungs like  sharp nails of a furious wolf as it refilled my lungs...

He tumbled to the ground as a tower crashed by thousands of beasts_ as he still screamed.

His pitch grew every second.

Then his screaming turned into a loud shriek _
Goosebumps filled my body...

Seconds later, no sound was heard.
The beast was laying on his stomach motionless, with  his back filled with large arrows covered with sticky green liquid.

The incident was spine-chilling.

We weren’t alone_

Someone was standing behind him but I wasn’t able to study the appearance_ 

The figure was approaching me.

After this terrible incident, I couldn't think of anything...

I felt myself floating..

Everything was getting dark_

I  saw nothing.

I could think of nothing except for one thought that softly rang in my mind before I fainted:

‘Who is that beast?’

Thanx for getting this far! ❤️
I would appreciate friendly comments and votes!!! ❤️ ❤️

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