AJ Styles

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The lights turn back to normal with the crowd doing their usual boos as we walk down to the ring.

How are they still going. It's been 7 minutes and the crowd is still booing. I mean they aren't hurting my feelings or annoying me but how does their throats not hurt from yelling boo's, for 7 minutes straight?

Eventually official's got everyone to calm down, which then allowed Edge to speak. Of course Edge could have just yelled at them like he did before but he didn't. After last time, I told him not to, listing a few reasons as to why he shouldn't.

"I am an honest man... I said that AJ Styles would face his Judgement Day at Wrestlemania, and he did! What I didn't expect was for Damian Priest to appear but- but it makes perfect sense if you stop to think about it. A- now for AJ, for most of you-- scratch that, all of you, thinking is hard!" There was a pause, not necessarily a quite one but audience-booing filled one. "but for too long Damian fought his inner self, just like me. For too long he tried to be a-a fine, upstanding role model for all of you sheep!... just like me." Edge spat at the audience, at the camera. I couldn't help but role my eyes during parts of his speech. He keeps making all of Damian's actions about him, just like me- just like me like come on man! Things don't always have to be related back to you!

"Very telling, idiots!" Edge said harshly towards the audience who kept yelling "We are sheep! We are sheep!" , to be honest it was quite funny and I don't know how Edge didn't break character and laugh, or have his character laugh in like an evil way or something.

"So without further a do, I demand that you all rise... I said all rise!" The audience continued to boo and cheer as Edge waited for them to follow through with his instructions. To try and get more people to listen and join in, I began to motion with my arms, that every should be rising. "For the man that respects my message! THE MAN... who will be the punishment for the guilty. Damian Priest!!" The lights changed colour and Priest's intro began to play. Their were tons of cheers as he walked out and on to the stage. He stood there, one arm crossed over his mid-section while the other hung loosely at his side, looking around at the fans all crowded into the arena. After a moments of looking around he made his way down to the ring, turning to the left and making his way up the steel steps, underneath the ropes, and into the ring.

"Now Damian, I have to ask. What was it about my-my pearls of genius, my message that caused you to take your career back into your hands at Wrestlemania." See, there you go! Had to make it about him again, didn't he? "Man.. it goes without saying how much you have meant to me for a very long time." Insert crowd reaction to the beginning of Damian Priest's Reply. "Weeks, leading into Wrestlemania, I was lost." Silence from us but lots of noise from the audience chanting. "You know, there was a time when that would have bothered me." Edge smirked. "Not any more losers!" Damian and I laughed at this. " You know, I tried to please them. I tried to please everyone. Well except for me." "But... that all changed when I heard your message. It gave me direction." The audience began to interupt by clapping while singing "we are losers!" *Clap clap, clap-clap-clap*

"Thanks for letting us know! Appreciate it." Damian said, unimpressed. "You know... I know you were speaking to AJ Styles but your message, if felt like, you were speaking to me, directly to me!" There was a pause where Edge and Damian just smiled at each other "That's why, it was so easy to make the decision, to pledge my loyalty to you!" Damian told Edge that he pledged his loyalty to him but when he said you, he wasn't looking at Edge... he was looking at me. Anyone who wasn't me or Damian wouldn't have noticed this little thing due to the fact that I was standing right beside Edge.

The audience began booing, obviously disagreeing with Damian's choice. "And it was the best decision of your life man. But i-it's kind of funny when you think about it, the night that I had my epiphany, when I stopped caring what the sheep think, was the very same night you decided to take your power back, what a coincidence!" Both of the men laughed.

"Now we Judged AJ at Wrestlemania, and wewill pass judgment on anyone who challenges MY message. OUR message." Pause. "Now AJ, I know you are going to keep coming. I wanted the pitbull, I got the pitbull. But the thing about pitbull's is they lack intellect. They only know fight, they don't know flight. But AJyou have to realize your best option is flight. You-you have to think of your family. You have to think of your children. They need a fath-" just then AJ's intro music began to play and out came AJ Styles. Damian immediately took off his jacket, throwing it to the floor and getting out of the ring in attempt to protect us- prove his loyalty. Unfortunately Damian lost in the battle of offense as he is thrown into the barricade and then over the barricade a few seconds later.

As AJ climbed into the ring, I rolled out and underneath, searching for my bat. I can hear the 2 different sets of footsteps of the men as AJ and Edge fight above. When I noticed that someone was getting off the ring and coming underneath, I quickly backed into the furthest wall from the mystery person and turned off the light's of my mask, just in case it was AJ and not my teammates. It was good call because it was AJ. He grabbed 2 chairs and left again. Fuck! Quickly turning my mask back on to use a light source, I found my bat and climbed out. I heard as Damian got back into the ring and I took that as my cue to also climb back in. I proped myself on the top of a turnbuckle and watched as the 3 men continued to fight. As they were fighting, Damian noticed me and began leading Edge and AJ towards me. At first Edge wasn't cluing in to why but he eventually saw me and got the message. Once AJ was against the turnbuckles, I began to swing at him. Hitting him on his back, arms, and legs- avoiding his head in case I swung to hard and killed him. Once he was laying on the canvas of the ring. The boys began to place his head on a metal chair, then lift a second above his head about to smack him but they couldn't as officials jumped into the ring.

Slowly but surely we got out of the ring and walked back up to the stage and made our exit, smiling the entire time. Even when we got back stage we didn't drop the act, being that there could be camera's rolling anywhere.

Words: 1243

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