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I would just like to apologize for the lack of updates. I've been writing another book and have been kinda stuck on this next chapter. I finally figured out how to go on with it so I hope you enjoy the next chapter.

Updates should start coming but you'll probably only get one more after this next one being as I'm going camping in a couple days so I'll try and write more then so I can update when I get back. No promises are going to be made tho.

Reminder: ❤❤❤❤❤You are loved! Listen to me and ignore anyone who says otherwise, even if that other person is yourself because you/they are wrong.

If you are struggling with depressive suicidal thoughts please listen.

Don't do it. PLEASE don't do it. So many people will miss you despite what you may think. I know I will be one of those people. Please stay love! Just because you've made mistakes does not mean people hate you. It does not mean they want you gone. No matter how big of a mistake it was they still love you!

You know how you feel so down all the time but hide it from others in your life. How you mask your self and put on a fake smile. How you pretend to be happy-go-lucky? Ya? Well some else in your life could be that way too. And to them, you are their rock. You are the one tying them down to this very earth. It's not gravity. It's you! You are what is keeping them here. You are what is making them feel safe. You are what is keeping them sane and some what happy. You are what is making them feel like they can be themselves. They need you so please don't leave. They love you even if no one else does. They love you and I love you. Don't leave us. Please.

This person doesn't have to be someone you know outside of your screen. This person can be someone who follows you on any of your social media platforms. Your comments or content can make someone feel happy. They can make someone laugh. They can make someone feel safe, welcome, and wanted. It doesn't matter if this only lasts for a couple seconds each day for you were the one to do it. Out of all the people in the world, all the people they know online or in real life, you were the one to make their depressed ass feel that way. You were the one they chose to follow. Your content is the way they chose to watch. 

They please listen to me and stay. And if you began to get those thoughts remember me. Remember this. Take this in to account. I know you can do this. Fight those thoughts and stay.

Dm's are open for those who would like to chat.❤❤❤❤❤

I don't care what time it is, stop reading after this chapter.

Don't ignore me.

Don't you dare think of scrolling.

If it is day time for you...

🚹Get up...

Go to your kitchen...

🥗Get something healthy to eat...

Fill up a nice tall glass of water...

And finish it...

Leave your phone, tablet/iPad, computer, etc and go get something in your body...

🌲Then go outside for 15 minutes do something other then sit inside...

Then go back inside and drink another glass of water, the same glass from earlier their is no need to dirty up another🏠🚰...

Now if you have done all that I have asked, you can continue reading— after you make a comment on the sentence below saying that you've finished. And don't even think- consider lying!

Did you finish?

Hey! I wasn't finished! I don't care if it ain't daytime for you!

Just because the sun ain't shining doesn't mean the moon and the stars ain't!

🌙🌌Now if you are reading this at night...

👂Listen up...

Do not argue with me...

After reading to the end....

📴Turn off your device...

And get some shut eye...

Me and my book ain't going nowhere....

We will be here when you awake from your slumber...

🙏We will be here to say thank you for listening and sleeping....

Not only does your body need your sleep....

But so does your device.....

🔌📱So plug it in....

Face away from your device.....

😌Close your eyes.....

After getting comfy.....

🗣GO TO SLEEP!!!!!!!!!.....

Night lovlies! Sleep tight and don't let the bed bug's bite!🥱🌙⭐💫🛏🌠🌃🌌

☝Just so your aware, just because it is 6 in the morning you don't get to escape...

I know you lovlies pulled an all nighter so get that sleep even if it's just for an hour because you and your body will be thanking me later!


Those of you who have just slept after listening to me please comment on this sentence! Tell me how you feel! Do you feel better? Do you feel rejuvenated? I bet you do!

I have to go but I'll meet you on the next chapter! See you soon loves!❤

Mommy's MamiWhere stories live. Discover now