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Kay, I know I'm not really posting much even with this new schedule I created and I am truly sorry about it.

When I promise that I'm working on a chapter, I sincerely mean it. The reason it never gets out is because of multiple reasons.

When writing a chapter I struggle.  Sometimes it's due to lack of motivation.  Sometimes it's because I don't know how to write what I'm thinking. Sometimes it's the opposite and it's because I don't know what to write.

There are times where I start writing because I have the motivation but then before I even reach half way done I don't feel like writing anymore or I get stuck.

I feel really bad when this happens because then I leave you guys hanging, waiting for another chapter for two-three weeks.

I feel so guilty and I don't want you guys hating me for it or hating my book.

Everytime I post I want it to be a good quality, reading-worthy chapter.

With that being said I want to get to the point of this update...

I've been thinking on something but I want to hear your opinions first before I decide on anything.

My idea: If I were to leave for about 2-4 months– not post anything.  Not a single chapter for any of my books. Not a single
a/n. I just go radio silent.

While I'm radio silent, I try and write as many chapters as I can so that when I come back, I can update according to the schedule. That way you guys don't have to wait forever for me to actually finish a chapter.

Or would you rather I just stay and y'all wait for however long it takes for me to finish and publish a chapter?

Just give me your opinion in the comments and I'll go through them and make my decision because if you all just vote it doesn't really help me so... ya.

P.s. I also write on a tablet so that's another reason it takes forever to write.


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