Shane was walking over to the group with the gun bag over one shoulder and a shot gun in his hand as Daryl walked over to see what was going on.

"What's all this?" Daryl asked Shane as he approached but Shane never answers the question.

"You with me man?" Shane asked and Cassie noticed his eyes meet her for a brief second before he took the gun from Shane. "Time to grow up" Shane told them. "You got yours?"

"Yeah" Andrea answered confused "Where's Dale?"

"I thought we couldn't carry" T-dog said confused as Shane handed out guns to everyone.

"Yeah well we can and we have to" Shane told them before he turned to Cassie taking a shotgun out the bag to give her. "Take the gun Cassie

When she made no move to take it Shane got closer to her his face up close to hers "Take the damn gun Cassie unless you want the people you care about to die"


"TAKE THE GUN" Shane yelled taking the hand she had in a fist by her side and pacing the gun in it. "Pathetic" he said loud enough for everyone to hear before he started his speech up again.

It wasn't that Cassie was scared off the gun or that she couldn't use it was that she didn't want to. She knew the fallout of them carrying guns on Hershel's property when he specifically asked them not to would be terrible and she didn't want to be apart of it. Unfortunately for her that choice was taken by Shane storming through like a maniac.

She could feel Daryl's eyes and many others on her but she didn't meet any of them simply looking at the gun in her hands and the trouble it could cause.

"Now it was one thing standing around here picking daisies when we thought this place was supposed to be safe. But know we know it ain't." Once he finished he walked over to where Glenn and Maggie where stood "How about you man? You gonna protect yours?" He asked Glenn who looked at Maggie before hesitantly taking the gun out of Shane's hands

"Can you shoot?" He then asked Maggie.

"Can you stop? You do this, you hand out these guns, my dad will make you leave tonight"

"We have to stay Shane" Carl said coming down the steps of the porch as Lori came out of the house towards them.

"What is this?" She asked.

"We ain't going anywhere ok? Now look Hershel he's just got to understand ok? Well he's gonna have to. We have to find Sophia" he said as he approached Carl a small hand gun in hand "Am I right? Huh? Now I want you to take this. You take it carl and you keep your mother and your aunt safe" At the mention of his aunt Carl looked up to face her and all she did was slowly shook her head at him.

"You do whatever it takes. You know how. Go on take the gun and do it" When Cassie saw Shane trying to pressure Carl into taking the gun he finally had enough and stormed towards them.

"Leave him alone!" She yelled pushing Shane away from the boy as Lori pulled him back gently "If he don't want a gun he don't have to take one now leave him the hell alone!"

"Rick said no guns. This is not your call. This is not your decision to make" Lori stepped in as Shane stood up dusting himself off. The two shared a hard stare before T-dog got the groups attention.

"Oh shit"

Everyone turned to where T-dog was facing to see Jimmy,Hershel and Rick coming out from the woods. Rick and Hershel had two walkers caught in litter pickers and they were leading them towards the barn Jimmy coaxing the walkers forwards.

"What is that? What is that?" Shane started to say before he started sprinting in Ricks directions and everyone followed behind him wanting to know what the hell was going on.

Stars and Scars [D.Dixon fic] TWDWhere stories live. Discover now