Chapter Four: Are We Too Young For This? | PT 2

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Scout: Host! I heard you tripped! Man you scared me!

Host: what's more scarier is that if one of us dies

Scout: nuh-uh! I doubt that! No one will die! Hopefully

Baldi: let's get to work!

Some started to set up the mics, lights, and stage. Audrey, Scout, Baldi, Ethan and Levi had to make some decorations out of cardboard and yarn

Audrey: uhm mr Levi?

Levi: what

Bo: aren't you supposed to be helping the rest of the boys?

Levi: *sighs* it's complicated Bo, my height isn't the same as Ethan or Baldi's... I have a height of a 17 year old

Host: and how old are you Mr Levi?

Levi: I am 34 years old

Some of the people snickered, while Scout and Host trembled in fear when Levi saw his reaction

Some of the people snickered, while Scout and Host trembled in fear when Levi saw his reaction

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Levi: make a laugh about my height or I will end ALL of you

Scout: oh boy you don't wanna mess with him

Host: I-I agree

Baldi: no wonder you are assigned for the decors

Levi: less talking more decorations

Ethan: y-yes sir *snicker*

Bo: how is everyone?

Levi: well

Host: yep! Definitely and totally fine!

Scout: hehehe yeah no weird s(nope)t at all! Ehehehe!

Baldi: wait! Wait! I'll be right back!

Audrey: sure thing Baldi!

Baldi then walks away silently snickering, until he disappears to the trail of a forest

Bo: well the decors aren't gonna decorate themselves! But I'll help this time!!

Bo helped the decorators get ready for the performance. Levi had to use the ladder and some climbing skills, Host and Scout and the rest of the crew did the same

Baldi then comes back with a bruise on his forearm

Baldi: the f(nope)king forest is such a f(nope)king nightmare! I TRIPPED INTO A DAMN ROCK!

Ethan: I guess you gotta be careful next time pal

Baldi: I'll try

Bo: what time is it?

Ethan: it's probably 5:50pm something


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