Intermission 1

105 3 3

Apprentice: (________) Is there anything you want?

Traitor: no worries, I'm good (______). How are you feeling?

Apprentice: *sighs* DAMNIT! WHY! We had to lose 3 people! In one day!


Traitor: he's coming! You need to go now!

The apprentice runs off as quickly as possible

Mastermind: *sigh* we just witness that three people died in one day! I guess you could say that was 3 birds in one stone Hahaha

Traitor: HEY! That wasn't nice! Imagine someone tried to kill you

Mastermind: well I'm always prepared

Traitor: you are really loyal to this Percy and Tsumugi person huh

Mastermind: because they'll give the things I want! And desire!

Traitor: being better than everyone else?

Mastermind: bingo! Now get some rest, save your energy for the upcoming trials

Traitor: *in an irritated tone* whatever you say boss

To an area where all of the dead bodies are being stored

Traitor: whatcha doing there? Oh staring at his body again?

Apprentice: *sighs* Yeah, I just miss him.

Traitor: don't worry, we have no choice to live in for him.

Apprentice: I'm gonna have to try and reassemble Lapis.

Traitor: we can't

Apprentice: oh?

Traitor: the storage is very secure, no one can open but he can only open it

Apprentice: oh I see

Traitor: we need to go, he can't know that you are here

Apprentice: right

Somewhere in the masterminds' office

Note: I added new mysterious characters called "Special Guest(s)"

Special guest: hello again (____)

Mastermind: Ahh! Welcome welcome! Take a se- oh wait

Special Guest: So anything fishy in your game?

Mastermind: ugh! Two people are trying ruin my precious killing game!

Special Guest: I want names

Mastermind: Host and Audrey Drew

Special Guest : Well well! I must say they must have very high hopes

Mastermind: well clearly everyone is resting because the trial they had now is just exhausting for them. I need to find a way to crush their hopes

Special Guest: ah! I just have an idea for you~

Mastermind: oh? I want to know so badly! If it pleases you and in the name of despair

Special Guest: it's a motive

Mastermind: I'm listening

With the Traitor and Apprentice

Traitor: who is he talking to?

Apprentice: I must say she is rather scary~

Traitor: ...

Apprentice: hey (________) do you hear that?

The traitor and apprentice hear an echoing yet soothing sound, which was singing

Danganronpa V78 : Raging Despair (under hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now