When she was done with that, that's when she took the roll of white lace and began to weave the fabric through the holes in the back of the dress like she was lacing a corset!

Jean was in absolute awe of the work being done, she gasped loudly.

"What?! She done split my back open ain't she?" Valerie exclaimed, beginning to twist to look like she could see herself.

Jean immediately held Valerie still so Renee could continue her work. She kept her daughter's eyes focused on her as the seamstress tightened and pulled the lace through the few strategic cuts she'd made in the dress.

"It's a true work of art, baby. Just what you deserve." Jean assured Valerie and she immediately relaxed. This was when Renee finally cut the string of lace ribbon and then tied it off in an elaborate bow at the back of the dress.

From the front, the dress no long sat as a pool of fabric over Valerie's belly, but the bodice was smooth, her waist was as snatched as it could be, and her growing girls were sitting. She felt beautiful. And she turned around, Valerie had to let out a gasp herself as well.

"Renee..." Valerie breathed, so relieved to have such a beautiful fix. The lace up back looked like that was the original design after all. Tears rushed to her eyes for the umpteenth time that day as she spun around and grabbed the small lady for a hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You saved this wedding you know that?! Ugh, you're the best!" Valerie praised her heavily. All the Renee did in return was hug the excited bride back and give her another sure nod.

"It was no problem, ma'am. Thank you for trusting me. You make a beautiful bride."

These were the words Renee left her with before packing up her things and proceeding to leave the room. Valerie turned back towards the mirror, now pushing her hair back as it was intended to be. She took in her appearance, now being able to see her look altogether.

It was surreal.

It felt like it was just yesterday she was running around being the mafia's personal bellhop for shits and giggles.

Now, she was marrying a man whose name made shadowy figures like The Armata scatter.

She couldn't have been more grateful for him.

Putting her hands on her stomach, she rubbed her growing belly. She was happy that they got to marry on their own terms.

No contract in sight, but the marriage license itself.

Just the way Valerie liked it.

"Are you ready, darling?" Jean asked her daughter, placing her hands on her shoulders as they both faced the mirror. Jean was beaming with pride behind Valerie.

Valerie touched her mother's hands. "Ready as I'm ever gonna get." Was Valerie's reply.

"Great. I'll let the press know its time to get to their seats." Wanda chimed in dryly, which made Valerie roll her eyes. The wedding planner was a gift from Luca's mother. She was supposedly the best in the business, but all she had done for them was get down Valerie's throat how important this wedding was and how it couldn't have a hitch.

"The Giovannis have endless connections! This wedding puts their strength on full show!"

"Are you sure you want to have such a tight dress? Pregnant brides are taboo... the tabloids aren't forgiving."

"What do you mean you want line dances at the wedding? This isn't a BBQ. It's the wedding of the century!"

At every turn Valerie had to fight for her own wedding.

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