Massages [chris x reader]

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"Thank you everyone and good night!" The lead vocalist yells. He raises his fist one last time before running to the side. You toss one more pick to the audience before following him. Your shoulders hurt like hell, all those solos and tapping and such did a number on you. Heading backstage, you see Corey and Jim.

"Dude, that show was lit! Nice job man." Corey pats you on your back, Jim just stands there in agreement. You hand your guitar to a crew member and rush to the lockers to change. You unbutton your shirt and change into a cleaner, white one. You splash a little water on your face, but you planned to take a shower back at the hotel. Your shoulders pinched in pain as you splashed water.

Your band had been on tour for last couple weeks, and it just so happened to be with Slipknot too. The band played a few hours before you. Your boyfriend, Chris in Slipknot, always made sure your guitar strings wouldn't snap at any point. Always made sure your amps and pedals wouldn't malfunction. They almost rarely did but he always wanted to make sure the show would be the best one yet. You knew your band's bassist would take you to the hotel, where Chris was waiting.

In the moving car, the bassist asks, "Sooo, how are you and Chris doing?" He had a smug look in his face.

"Oh, we're doing really well. He's, the nicest guy I've ever met. It was like, love at first sight y'know? We're made for each other." You rubbed your shoulder anxiously.

"That's nice to know. I wish I could find my dream girl." An awkward silence overtook the sounds of the car engine.

"Is he good in bed?"

"What the fuck?"

You both walk out the car and get checked in, the bassist takes the room in front of yours. As you're sticking the key through the door, you hear the sounds of bedsheets being folded in the air and heavy footsteps. You unlock the door to a brightly lit room, since when could these hotel fan lights turn on?

Chris's turned towards the bed so you see his back, what's he messing with in his hands? The room was fabulous! The walls were free of stains, the bed was made, no weird liquids on the curtains or carpet. Even a look in the bathroom, the sink's marble was shining.

Chris turns to meet your eyes. It was like you could still feel the emotion you felt when you two first met, butterflies and warmth.

"Welcome back!" He ran and hugged you. "How was the show? I apologize I couldn't see you, Shawn needed me to do something with the equipment." His rough yet gentle fingers lifted your chin and allowed his lips to peck on yours.

"It was amazing, but it could've been better if you were there, but hey it's not your fault." You hugged him, your cheek placed on his shoulder. "But you know," you pulled back.

"My shoulders hurt like a bull stomped on 'em. I'll have to rest the rest off the night." Chris let his fingers fall to your shoulders and slowly rubbed them in. A little moan of relief escaped your throat. All the tension you had in your shoulders released and you fell back into his chest.

"I need a massage Chris." You looked up at him and saw his light smile.

"As you wish, 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴." The word made you turn red.

You follow him towards the bed and turn off the fan light, the only source coming from the nightstand lamp. He sits down on the edge and you sit in between his legs. You lean forward to let his hands continue the work. He rubs his fingers in circles and works into your shoulders like dough. He's hitting all the right spots, he really knows you and your body well.

"How are you doing?"

"This feels great. I haven't got something like this in ages. Mmm." Your whole body turned into jello. You leaned on his shoulder where he continued. You closed your eyes in ecstasy as you felt the pain go away. This continued for a few minutes before you had the urge to turn back and give him a long kiss on the lips. You both explored for one minute then out the next.

"You should do this more often. It's really nice to know someone cares about me so much."

"I would never let yourself get stressed. You're too precious, and I love you." You both flopped into the pillows where he wrapped you in his arms.

"Love you too Chris."

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