Movie Night [Sid x reader]

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Movie nights with Sid were some of your favorite nights together. There was nothing better than to be cuddled on the couch with him, under a blanket with some snacks, enjoying a film. You also loved what came after, when the two of you would just talk about the movie and geek out for hours until he carried you to your shared bedroom, either for sleep or for nighttime activities.

It was almost Halloween, and tonight, Sid was really keen on watching a horror movie. You liked horror movies, but they tended to give you the creeps, and maybe even nightmares sometimes. He'd picked out one that was recommended to him by a friend, and as it started, Sid rushed to turn off all the lights before jumping back onto the couch next to you. He put one arm around you and held you close to his chest, placing a kiss on the top of your head.

As much as you tried your best not to show it, this movie scared the shit out of you. Every startling moment made you flinch, and you lost count of the number of times you tried to bury your face deeper into Sid's chest. He was loving it, though, and was so hypnotized by the movie he didn't really notice how big your reactions were. He just held onto you tighter, his blue eyes widening in amazement, the expression on his face of pure glee.

Well, at least one of you was enjoying it. Your eyes were shut for most of the second half. Everything about the movie, from its premise to its soundtrack, really disturbed you.

Finally, the credits began to roll. Sid exhaled deeply, reaching over for the remote to hit the pause button. The lights were still off and the only brightness in the room was coming from the screen. You slowly lifted your head from Sid's chest and looked up at him. He was smiling.

"Fuck, that was some movie, huh, baby?" Sid grinned. His face was illuminated by the TV screen, and you tried your best to focus on your adorable boyfriend to soothe your pounding heart.

"Yeah," you replied weakly. You hadn't realized that you'd been digging your fingers into the seat of the couch for a good part of the movie. "Did you like it?" You asked.

"Oh, I thought it was great," he gushed. "Damn, I think I'm gonna be thinking about it for a while. Could you believe that twist? I mean, my god, I can usually see these things coming but this surprised me. And can we talk about that scene with the ghost coming out of the..."

Sid rambled on and on about the movie, and you nodded and tried your best to feign calmness. Your eyes darted around the darkness of the room at his mention of the ghost. You could swear you saw a figure moving in the black. Suddenly, you felt cold. You swallowed hard.

"...anyway, I'm gonna turn on the lights," Sid removed his arm from around you and started to get up from the couch.

"No!" You cried out, gripping onto his arm and pulling him back next to you.

"Woah, baby, you alright?" Sid asked, confused. He took a moment to study your expression for the first time in the light of the bright screen. You must've looked a right mess, because his brows furrowed and his eyes flickered with worry. "Sweetness, what's wrong?" He pressed, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb.

You looked down. "Please don't leave me. Don't go anywhere," you mumbled.

"I was just gonna switch on the lights and come right back, it'll be like three seconds."

"Please don't," you said louder, crawling into his lap and clutching onto him like a koala. "I can't be away from you right now."

Sid took a second to process what was happening before embracing you, hands rubbing up and down your back. "Oh, love," he whispered into your ear. "I'm so sorry, was the movie too much? I should've noticed, I'm sorry, baby."

All you could do was nod, squeezing your eyes tightly shut in an attempt to drive all the images of the horrible stuff in the movie out of your mind.

"I'm right here, baby, you're okay, you're with me and nothing's gonna hurt you," Sid stroked your hair. He kissed the shell of your ear. "Look at me." You lifted your head, and blinked to adjust your vision to the white light. Sid was looking right into your eyes, his own blue orbs shining with gentleness and warmth. His lips were slightly parted, and now it was so quiet that the only thing you could hear was both of your breathing,

"Just keep your eyes on me and breathe. I got you," he murmured, not shifting his gaze from you for a single second. You focused on Sid's face, reminding yourself that you were safe, you were here, you were home. "I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart," he said, now with a small smile playing on his lips. "No ghost or demon or spirit or whatever the fuck drags itself out of hell is gonna change that."

"Okay," you nodded.

"Okay?" Sid raised an eyebrow.


"That's my brave baby," he cooed, smile spreading wider. You felt the worry and fear slowly start to melt away. He made you feel so loved and protected. "I'm sorry I didn't know that the movie was too much for you," Sid apologized. "I would've stopped it so fucking fast."

"It's alright," you leaned up to kiss him on the tattoo by his right eye. "You were enjoying it so much. I didn't want to ruin it for you."

Sid shook his head. "Nonsense, baby, if I knew it was scaring you so much, it wouldn't matter. Besides," he held your face in his hands, admiring how cute you looked while still holding onto him like he was a tree. "I enjoy this so much more," he pressed his lips to yours, kissing you deeply and lovingly, making you feel like jelly.

"I love you," he mumbled after pulling away. He kissed you again. And again. "I love you so much," he repeated between kisses. You felt breathless but in the best way possible.

"I love you too, Sidney," you finally managed to say. Sid pinched your cheek, scrunching his nose at you. You weren't scared of anything anymore.

"Can I turn on the lights now, sweetness?" He asked.

"Yes," you replied, without moving an inch from your koala bear position. "But you're gonna have to take me with you," you grinned.

Sid chuckled. "If my little bear wishes." With one hand on your back and one cradling your ass, he stood up with you wrapped around him. You nuzzled into his neck. No nightmares for you tonight.

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