Hair [Joey x reader]

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"Joey?" You stood in the doorway of your bedroom, leaning against the frame and watching Joey with slightly wide eyes.

"Hmm?" He looked up from where he was reading on your bed. You were rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet and twisting your fingers together anxiously. Although there wasn't really much of a reason to be. You had a perfectly normal request for him, something you'd been wanting for a while actually.

"I uh, I have something to ask you. You can say no, that's totally okay. No pressure at all." You knelt on the bed and sat next to him, absentmindedly running your hand through the hair that was flipped over his shoulder.

"Yeah sure. What do you need?" He turned his head and kissed your forehead, making your cheeks flush with color. God, why did he have to be so goddamn perfect? 

"So it's kind of dumb..." You trailed off and he raised an eyebrow at you. "Can I umm- can I wash your hair for you?" His expression surprised you. He seemed a little confused, but pleased nonetheless.

"I mean sure, of course." He shrugged, smiling warmly.

"Really? Just like that?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"I don't know, I thought it was weird or something." You couldn't meet his gaze. He took your hand and interlaced his fingers with yours.

"It's not weird. It's really sweet actually. Very intimate." He always knew what to say to comfort you. You sighed, relieved.

"Thank you." You squeezed his hand. "I hope I don't screw up or something. I'd probably die if I fucked up your hair somehow."

"You'll be fine. It's not that hard. I'll help."

"So, you wanna do it now? I mean, it is Sunday and we have no plans." Joey checked the time on his phone.

"Yeah, sure. You want me to get my stuff and we can do it in the bathtub or something?" You smiled broadly and let your head drop onto his shoulder.

"Yeah, that would be great."


Joey went to your bathroom to grab his shampoo and conditioner and you tried to figure out how this was going to work. If he sat in the bathtub, you could kneel outside of it and lean over to him.

You joined him and he set two bottles and a hair brush on the counter.

"How do you wanna do this?" You motioned towards the tub. "Obviously, I've never done this before and I just want you to be comfortable." He nodded in consideration.

"I'll sit down in it and if it's okay with you, you can sit on the floor next to me?" You nodded. "Hang on before that I'm going to fold up a towel over the edge so I don't have to crane my neck all the way upside down."

"Sounds good." You pulled him into a tight hug, giving him a quick kiss and pushing his hair out of his face, marveling at how soft it was.

After setting everything up, Joey changed into bathing suit shorts and sat in the tub, figuring out how best to lean his head back. You turned on the water and he flinched, gritting his teeth. You realized your mistake and gave him an apologetic smile.

"Sorry." You turned the dial to hot, letting the water slowly warm up while you sat on the floor next to him and held his hand, picking at his black nail polish. Steam filled the room, fogging up the mirror and the frosted glass window. You grabbed some body wash and poured it in right under the faucet, where sweet smelling bubbles started forming on top of the water.

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