Paths cross [sid x reader]

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The train was more crowded than you expected, well, crowded for an 11:25pm departure in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. A quick look around and you counted nine other heads in your car. It worked out because there were five pairs of seats on either side, two of them with a second pair facing the first. You'd gotten there early and managed to snag one of the double sets, settling in to your own little pod; backpack on the seat next to you, overnight bag across from it, thermos of tea in your hands, sorting through what ended up being twenty-seven unread emails on your phone. Just like home.

It had been a long day, and tomorrow wasn't going to feel any shorter.

The speaker system crackled to life to announce ETA 2:15 am with two stops along the way. Joy . And then there was the ordeal of getting home. Your uncle (he wasn't really, you just called him that because he was old and crabby and full of unwarranted advice) promised he'd try to make it to pick you up, said he'd text you as soon as he could confirm. But cell service was spotty and there was no guarantee the text would arrive before you reached the city anyway.

Getting some sleep was probably your best option. Thank god you didn't have work tomorrow, but unfortunately the mental list of random tasks to finish that you had put off till your trip was over had reached max capacity and needed to be taken care of, soon.

You tossed your phone in your bag and put your thermos in the cup holder built onto the armrest of the seat next to you, and looked out the window for the first time since the train started moving. There really wasn't much to see. The light from inside the train didn't reach much further than the edges of the track and everything past that had turned into a black soup, miscellaneous shapes and shadows.

Normally it wasn't this bad, since there was no city to distract from the sky, the moon and stars were the brightest out of any place you'd ever been. But thick clouds had rolled in a few hours ago, obscuring any potential moonlight and adding more ink to the soup.

You pulled your sweatshirt tighter around you, shifting until you found a somewhat comfortable position leaning on your backpack as a makeshift pillow. Your neck was already screaming in protest and you reminded yourself heating pads exist and not getting any sleep on the train would be a mistake. Your spine could take it, your brain...not so much.

Fucking hell, you resorted to watching the colorful splotches wiggle on the inside of your eyelids. Falling asleep will be a piece of cake, you told yourself. If you said it enough times maybe it would become true. I'm exhausted, I'll be fine.

The sounds of the train turned into background noise and maybe, just maybe, you would fall asleep fast.


The sound of shuffling and the feeling of eyes watching you broke through the fog of sleep. Annoyed, you opened one eye....and immediately opened the other.

Someone had moved your bag and sat across from you, nonchalantly stretched out over two seats, a guilty but cheerful smile on his face. You blinked, eyes adjusting to the light. I know him, I swear to god I know him....

"Hi." He gave you a small wave.

"Sid?" No fucking way.

"Yeah, it's been a hot minute since I last saw you. Sorry I just sat down by the way. I saw you and this is a double and there aren't any empty rows left." Good to know one thing hadn't changed. Sid talked a lot, and fast.

"No, no it's fine. I was just a little surprised, that's all." You figured you should sit up if Sid was going to stick around and talk. Your back cracked audibly as you uncurled yourself. Jesus christ. "What time is it?"

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