A real clown [clown x reader]

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"Get back here, don't leave me." You tugged on your friend's jacket keeping him from walking away. It was Devil's Night, October 30th, and deception was running rampant.

"Pussy," he said, but wrapped his arm over your shoulders. "I'm not leaving. I know how scared you are."

" I know how scared you are ," you mimicked in a high pitched voice. "Shut the fuck up Josh, this was your idea."

"Yeah and you agreed." You rolled your eyes.

"Okay whatever." The lights of the ferris wheel appeared from behind a game booth. "Hey, let's go there." You pointed and Josh nodded.

"Good idea. If we're up in the sky, the monsters can't get us," he laughed. You punched him lightly on the arm.

"Great, you can pay for the tickets."

The carnival came to town every year around Halloween for two weeks. During the day, all ages were welcome, but after seven pm it transformed into an elaborate horror attraction for eighteen and up. You'd only been once before and had to leave early because you were so scared. Now it was two years later and you were ready to prove yourself braver than last time.

It was dark almost pitch black, you and Josh had gotten there late after being held up by traffic and it was already sending shivers down your spine. Creepy circus music poured into the air from hidden speakers and corpses dressed like acrobats were casually scattered throughout the crowd, jumping and screaming at unsuspecting victims.

You and Josh sat in a ferris wheel cart, eating cotton candy dyed so it turned your teeth black for a few minutes after you ate it.

"You look deranged." You laughed at Josh as he grinned, revealing black, sticky teeth. "Like something out of a Rob Zombie movie."

"You have them too. Be glad there aren't mirrors around here." You hooked your index fingers on your bottom lip and pulled it down, your own black teeth shining above an inner lip tattoo. Josh's eyes widened.

"Dude that's so cool, when did you get it?" You let go of your lip.

"Saturday. With my aunt."

"That's wicked. Do it again, lemme see." You obliged. "Holy fuck. It says 'heretic' right?"

"Yup. It's so awesome. Honestly I love it. Felt super weird though." He nodded in agreement. "They said it might fade though, after five to ten years." Josh scoffed.

"Five to ten years is a long time." He broke into a smirk. "Say, does your mom know?" Your face flushed.

"No and she's not going to find out. I don't just walk around showing people the inside of my lip."



It was almost midnight and there was only one attraction you and Josh had left to do. The Hall of Mirrors. The attraction looked innocent enough from the outside, but an unsuspecting player would find that not to be true. The entrance was a tunnel that extended back from a clown's open mouth and inside was a maze with walls made of glass and mirrors. It was designed to be disorienting, people often got separated without realizing it. To make matters worse, staff dressed in scary costumes roamed around inside.

Josh tugged you towards it.

"Oh no no no. We are not doing that. Over my dead body." You shook your head, pulling back.

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