Stranger [corey x reader]

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Subtly, you looked over your shoulder, pretending to be checking out the street sigh. A creepy guy had been following you for one too many blocks now, and it was starting to worry you. Your apartment wasn't far away, but it was already dark and you didn't want to take any chances. There weren't many people around either. You tried to stick to the more populated side of the street, but even then, populated meant one or two strangers.

Just four more blocks, then I'm safe behind a gate and a locked door. You turned right, walking faster and hoping it wasn't noticeable. This street was more well lit and you saw a man up ahead typing on his phone. You had an idea, but it could seriously backfire depending on who this guy was. By now you were too desperate.

You caught up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned. Oh shit, he was kinda cute.

"Hi, sorry I didn't recognize you at first. It's been forever since I last saw you." He stared at you, confused. You leaned in, keeping your voice just above a whisper. "Will you help me please? This guy's been following me for a few blocks and I'm starting to get worried." He nodded, you could tell he understood.

"Yeah of course, no problem." He whispered back, then switched his tone to a louder, happy one. "Yeah no kidding, it's good to see you." He pulled you into a hug. "I'm Corey by the way," he said quietly.

"I'm _____. You're a lifesaver honestly." You pulled away.

"So where ya headed?"

"Just back to my apartment. It's not too far from here, I was meeting a friend earlier."

"I don't have any plans, you wanna get some coffee or something?" He started whispering again. "Just go with it. You don't have to stay, but it's not a good idea to let him know where you live." Damn, he was smart.

"Yeah of course, I'd love to. Have a preference?"

"Clementines's?" You liked Clementine's a lot. It was homey and inviting and the banana nut muffins were heaven.

"Sounds good."

"So how you been? I feel kinda bad, I've been busy as fuck and haven't really had time to talk to anyone outside the band." He was in a band? Dang, that's pretty cool. You hoped it wasn't some shitty boy band, but he didn't really look like the type. How many teen pop stars did you know that wore baggy jeans, torn up sneakers, and had long hair?

"I've been good. I totally get the whole busy thing, work's been pretty hectic lately. How's the band?" You were genuinely curious at this point. He must have been able to tell because his face lit up.

"It's kinda crazy right now. I'm still the new guy, so that's weird. And it's still a little freaky to have to at least live up to, if not surpass, the first album. Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. was fuckin' awesome, even if they didn't have yours truly absolutely annihalating the vocals."

Wait a minute, you knew that album. You wracked your brain trying to find out why. Holy shit, your friend was always talking about how her cousin Paul played bass for a band called Slipknot, and consequently, you'd heard that goddamn album about five hundred times. You weren't complaining though. Slipknot fucking slapped.

"It's really too bad you didn't do the singing. I really like that album. I think Only One is my favorite." After an initial moment of confusion, a huge grin appeared on his face. Even if he wasn't actually featured on the album, he seemed really proud that you knew them.

"Thanks yeah, it's really cool."

You looked behind you, the guy was gone. It was almost disappointing that he wasn't there. You liked talking to Corey, even if you just met him ten minutes ago.

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