3. New Day

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"Taehyung was fond of you," his father said. "He talked about you a lot. Even when you were gone."

Somehow, you doubt that.

The blonde college student is pacing in front of you with hands behind your back. You're unimpressed, expression washing over with impassiveness. While Seokjin promised you wouldn't be put on babysitting duty, there's no choice now that you've accepted this particular job.

It's hard to believe that the Taehyung you grew up with is this Taehyung. If not for his eyes, smile and general mannerisms, you would've never guessed.

He looks shabby, unemployed, like he hasn't showered or looked at himself in the mirror in a couple of days. But maybe that suits him best– carefree, free spirited, doing what he wants without worrying about what anyone thinks.

At least you can admire those qualities.

"So... you're my bodyguard now?" At your ongoing silence, Taehyung stops. "Why don't you answer? Don't you know it's rude to ignore your boss?" He stares and you look at him blankly.

Taehyung sharply inhales. "Listen here, dumbo. You have a lot to learn about me and my life, okay? So you're gonna have to listen carefully. But for now, I guess it's only right that I welcome you to my life. So welcome!"

"Can you move?" you interrupt his theatrical introduction, "I'm trying to get to the washroom."

Taehyung's grin falls as you brush past him. He follows after you, complaining, until you shut the door.

It's déjà vu. Five minutes and you've already given up, letting him do whatever he wants.

"How do you think she'll do?"

Taehyung's father looks at your father for a moment and then smiles, a rush of air leaving his nose as he huffs. "She'll be fine. More than it actually. She'll be fantastic. Believe in her. She'll handle him well."

"I hope so."

The two men stand side by side, looking out at the garden together as the sun sets above the horizon. They're close, sharing the same alumni, having been friends since decades ago when they were still young and figuring out their lives.

"Your daughter's impressive. She's got a good head on her shoulders. I'm almost jealous. You raised her well, so don't be worried."

Your father hums a low note, looking towards the clouds. "I have a lot of regrets in life, but my daughter's not one of them."

"Now you're really trying to make me envious," he laughs.

The other man smiles. "Then go have a daughter yourself."

"I'm done having children. Taehyung never grew up. He's still my little boy and still a handful."

"It's because you've been coddling him so much that he's like that." Your father shakes his head, bantering with his old friend and not fearful that he's the President of the nation. When they speak like this, it's almost like time has reversed itself. "You should've let me teach him taekwondo."

"You did try to teach him, remember? But then he was too much of a troublemaker that you gave up and gave him back to me. Didn't he spill ink all over your floorboards?"

Taehyung's father laughs, a sound drawing out heartily from deep within his chest. On the other hand, your own dad recalls the memory and he's not impressed in the least bit.

The sun continues to set, the night taking over before the new tomorrow.

Taehyung's pouting. Again.

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