9. Stand By

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There are a lot of places to go in the world. You expect yourself to be at the police station, filling out a report, giving your personal account of what occurred. Or maybe at Taehyung's apartment, watching him eat dinner before being dismissed for the night. 

Of all the places you thought you'd end up today, you most certainly did not consider you'd be in the Blue House, inside your father's office.

Mahogany bookcases surround you, floorboards creaking under each step, chair purposefully uncomfortable. It's cozy, yet dark. 

And the old man stares at you with a stern expression, a cold gaze that carries prepared scoldings ready to be carefully spewed out. You meet him with a blank look, eyes indifferent but alert.
You sit in silence as if in a time out. The gratitude of the woman you helped is still sinking in as your wrist swells.
The old man finally breaks the silence. It's a test. "Do you know why you're here?" 
"I acted irresponsibly."
Not even twenty minutes at the station, you were getting called in. In the meanwhile, Taehyung was off somewhere with Jimin, not here to witness the end of yet another job of yours.
"You were given specific instructions not to leave Kim Taehyung's side."
"I'm aware."
"Yet you went off to assist a stranger and left the President's son when he's your responsibility, when his safety is much more important. It's your job to be monitoring him at all times, not to do police work."
"I couldn't ignore what was happening around me, sir."
"Then maybe you're in the wrong occupation."
It's your fault. You'll accept the punishment readily. After all, something could've happened to Taehyung in your absence and who would have to be held responsible? 

It's obvious your attention was put elsewhere, that you're not truly dedicated to your duty. Your recklessness could've been costly or even fatal to Taehyung.
You're a bodyguard. Not out to fight vigilante justice.
"I apologize."
He shakes his head and sighs. Even after all these years, it's still frightening to be on the other side of the desk. Age has still left him tall and cold as steel. 

You remember staring up at him, standing across the room. But what's far worse than being scared is the disappointment in his eyes.
"You're going to be reassigned."
"I understand."
"I can't trust you to protect the President's son anymore. It's too much of an important task to leave it to someone distracted and if this happens again, you'll be taken off duty permanently—"
The door slams open. Hard enough to jump back against the wall.
Jimin's gasping with wide eyes. You turn around in the chair and your dad's pupils fly over at the rude interruption that's all too dramatic. Jimin's lips seal and he stands straight, moving out of the way, out of sight behind the other door, doing nothing to stop Taehyung.
"You're firing her?!" The college boy frowns, having eavesdropped on the entire conversation. You shut your eyes tight, cringing in your seat. Your impassiveness is finally marred, destroying what you tried so hard to maintain. "You can't just fire her!"

"Mr. Kim." 

Taehyung's appalled, mouth wide open, unable to comprehend what's happening. He shakes his head. "Y/N didn't do anything wrong. What was she supposed to do? Let that woman get robbed?"
"Taehyung," you warn him to stop under a quiet volume, but he ignores you, openly challenging your father without an ounce of fear.
Your father gets on his feet, not amused with these childish acts. "She'll be reassigned to a different position in the Blue House. There's no need to worry about who will look after you. I'll discuss it with your father."
It's silent for an extended moment. The man's brow quirks. "Excuse me?"
"No," he repeats and almost laughs. Taehyung takes it so lightly, it's impressive. "I'm sorry, Mr. Kang. No. You can talk to my father all you want, but no one else is going to be my bodyguard, but Y/n."
The Chief's frustration doubles, but he keeps it at bay with a calm facade. "This is not a decision you can make."
"But it is. This person is going to end up following me around, so I think I get all the say. And I know for a fact that you've never re-assigned or demoted any of my bodyguards before. Not even Jimin and I'm pretty sure he lost me at least twenty times."
The called upon bodyguard squeaks outside. If possible, he stands straighter, fear emanating off his very flesh.
"I have no idea why you're being so harsh to your daughter." He steps by your side and looks down at you, meeting your eyes. All traces of the mischievous and playful boy have dissipated. He's stern and angry. 

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