Start from the beginning



The shame when I had to borrow money from my own kids. They were kind enough to request Uber for me. I love the love that they show me. I am sitting waiting patiently to be called next. I can fill it that the payment will be paid out. 
“Mr Ngcobo.” I smile. I stand up and follow the girl leading me to an open space which has a vacant consultant. 
“Nana.” I smile sitting down. 
“Bab Ngcobo.” 
I know her because she used to go to the same school as Khanyisile. “How have you been?” I ask. 
“Ahhh, I am breathing. That is all I can say.” She shrugs her shoulders. “Where is Khanyisile?” She asks. 
“She is at home. But studying in Durban.” Her eyes beam in joy. 
“Which course? I study part time online.” 
“I have no idea. You kids study whole lot that is confusing us elders.” I stupidly laugh. The shame in me when I fail to elucidate the course my father is doing. I am not even funding her fees. What a father I am. I have to admit. I failed. I sigh sadly but quickly compose myself.
"I am sure it is not as bad as you think. Once you know the course that is being studied trust me – you will be singing it at the back of your head.” 
She looks at the screen and frowns. "Can I have you ID number again."
I call it out to her. I can tell that something is wrong. "Just one second. I will be back.” She grabs her papers and rushes out. Okay now I am sitting here like I am some lost puppet. She comes back with some lady. Her tag is written manager. They both look at the screen. She punches through. She pauses for a bit, looking at me then back at the screen again. 
"You claim account has been frozen.” She tells me. I feel like my world is coming to an end. 
"Does it say why?"
"Under investigations.” Okay this is really absurd. 
"But I want to bury my mother.” I hiss. They can't tell me this crap. I have been with them for years. I need to speak to someone higher than them. The CEO will do. These girls don’t know what the hell they are doing. The second manager was called, and they are still inauspicious. They are failing to give me what I want. The insurance is not going to be paid out and I am out of cash. I have nothing on me. Can't really rely on family. Those ones are always broken. I walk out with a tail stuck in between my legs. The ignominy. Everything feels like a dream. Going back home – I don't know what to expect. The kids will be ready for me to provide them with the details. What will the community say? I take a deep breath and lean my head against the window. I feel like everyone can see the trouble I am going through. I am about to get off and I don't feel like being at home around those people. I got out of the taxi and looked around. Let me go sit by the dam and think about my life. How did it escalate to this circus. I walk along the path. Everyone around here is minding their own business. I feel like everyone can read through me. I sit down and look at the dam. Looking at the cows drinking water. It's a nice view. I find myself smiling. I need to open a case for the missing cows. 
"Cleanse your heart before it is too late.” Someone says from the back. I get startled. A young man sits beside me. I keep throwing stones inside the water. I wanted no disturbance. That is why I am here. "Go home and mend things with your brother." I scoff. 
"The reason why I am here is because I wanted to be alone and rethink. I wanted no disturbance.” I add. 
"I know. But what I am saying is. You have a lot of abhor for the wrong people. You let execrate lead you this far. Your son needs you.” He stands up and leaves me in shock. 
"What do you mean my son needs me.”
"It's not my place to tell you. All of this that is about to happen. Gogo new about it.” The young man continues to walk. He can't drop a bombshell like this and leaves me behind. 
"Why didn’t she tell me if she knew?”
"I was not her place to tell you. Neither my place too. Just know that incest – the abomination is about to visit your homestead. By then it would be too late to fix the damage." He tells me then proceeds with his journey. What in the Gods name did he mean? I try picking up the pace, but he runs off and disappears into the trees. Great, just great. Was I not told that I cannot have a child of my own. I grew up knowing that. So, that means I have been fed with lies. But how is it possible? If I am a father to that bend sinister, why does his mother show up at my home and... Al of this s not making any sense. Maybe that child. Argh! You know what. This doesn't need my time nor energy. I will take it as if I never heard anything. Let me just go back home and break the news to them. 

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