"Are you settling in okay, Lili? I know this must seem like a big change from the dormitories." Jennie asked as I continued to place my clothes neatly in the nearby wardrobe.

Over the past few weeks, Jennie had become accustomed to calling me Lili. I wasn't entirely sure why. She hadn't given Jisoo a nickname or Rosie either but it never bothered me as she always treated me with a lot of kindness and respect.

"I'm fine, Jennie. I just need to finish unpacking this last bag." I replied. We'd been at the dorm for a few hours and I'd spent most of it trying to settle in and get used to the big change.

"I really hope you'll like staying here and we can spend more time together. I feel like you've been ignoring me." Jennie said, pouting with sad kitten eyes.

"Ignoring you? I haven't, I wouldn't do that." I asked, confusion evident on my face.

She smiled and placed her arms lossely around my neck, making me concentrate solely on her. "That's good to know. Maybe at the weekend we can go into the city and spend some time together."

"Sure... I mean I was gonna read over the schedule for next week on Saturday but-"

"You know it's important to take a break, Lisa. You're dedicated to the debut and I admire that but you need to relax too especially before it gets pretty hectic." I placed my hands on her waist as she slowly moved closer until a sudden irritating voice called from the doorway.

"That's very wise advice. Awww... look how cute you both are together." Rosé was stood there, drinking coffee as she leaned against the doorframe. She'd arrived back later than the rest of us as her and Jennie had already moved into our new dorm a few days earlier.

 She'd arrived back later than the rest of us as her and Jennie had already moved into our new dorm a few days earlier

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"I see some people have no problem taking a break." I scowled at her but as usual she was too busy in her own world, scrolling through her phone.

"I've earnt it, I was amazing in that interview. Wouldn't you agree, Lili?" She smirked as Jennie gave her icy glare beside me.

"Don't call her that."

Rosé pouted as she began glancing down at her phone screen again. "You're no fun Jen Jen..."

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Jennie asked with her arms now crossed. It was strange that even when she was irritated, she still was captivating.

Tilting her head coyly, Rosé shrugged. "Yes but then I wouldn't be able to bother you two which always amuses me."

"Rosé." Jennie said in a cold, monotone voice causing her to take notice.


"Go away!"

She sighed, faking a hurt expression. "That's so mean. I guess I'll go see what my beautiful Jisoo is up to."

"Your Jisoo?" I questioned, causing both Jennie and Rosé to stare back at me.

"That's right. I'm thinking Chaesoo moments, thoughts?" She said with a smug smirk.

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