
Start from the beginning

Nodding then sighing as his tongue touches the lobe. You try very hard to concentrate as his fingers touch you through the scrap of cloth you are wearing.

You listened as Jimin moves to sit back across from you explaining things your eyes wide in disbelief a little as he told you about things he had learned and you were impressed.

When you finally move closer your hand trailing from his shoulder to lower in the water your breath mingling with his before he moves in lightly kissing you. "Jungkook is the only one who will put any of this to use really. By the time your with any of the others you will have locked these thoughts away properly."

His lips trail down to your jaw where he nips it. "Tomorrow you can practice it out. If you can slip into his apartment while he sleeps and do something so that he knows you were there then I'll show you another lesson. Are you ready?"

It wasn't just the lessons that had you hurriedly kissing him in answer. A hot, horny Jimin touching you was always something you wanted. His hands palmed your ass as you climbed in his lap ready to learn.

The next morning in your bed you smiled at Jimin in sleep. His dark black hair covering his forehead and one of his eyes as he laid on his stomach. Cuddled up against him you snuggled in more. He had taught you how to move stealthily into a room explaining that the bond with a person could be felt but that a lot of times people just shrugged it off.

You chuckle to yourself as you think of the times he had told you about that he had been there and you had never knew. Even if it was technically cheating the way he had found out some of the things you had talked to with your girlfriends. Getting your phone you open your messages as Jimin sleepily pulls you closer his head now resting against your stomach.

You weren't worried that he was going to wake up. You had worn him out and sensing his headache you had gently massaged his temples until he drifted off asleep at a little urging from you, but still had a few hours before he would wake.

After answering some texts you slip out of the bed to take a shower, getting dressed you look through your closet. The lingerie was easy, the outfit with it was a little more complicated. But if you stayed a couple of steps ahead of Jungkook he would eventually find you, and you wanted to be ready.

At one after lunch you kissed Jimin at the front door as he pinched your ass through the blue romper you were wearing. "If he calls me wondering where you are you're sure you want me to tell him?"

"Yes, because he will for sure call you. And you can give him the hint, he's smart he'll figure it out."

Jimin laughs hard as you walk off swinging your backpack on your skintight outfit. Clothes that were tight and short made less noise. Or so Jimin said you think as you get in the elevator. You knew Jae would be mad at you later for leaving by yourself but today was for you and Jungkook.

At his apartment building you park Nari's borrowed car in the guest parking. The ride upstairs is quiet as you think. He had done a live very long and late and would for sure be asleep. Getting in wasn't going to be hard, but getting out without him waking up would be. That is why Jimin had been so thorough.

Outside you stare at the keypad as you punch in the code. You still had your own personal tests to do for your lesson training. And when the door opens to let you in you slide through closing it behind you. His snoring could be heard as you took your shoes off leaving them at the door.

Walking towards his room in your bare feet a bottle in your hand you wait outside the partially open door and not willing to risk it you drop one drop on the first hinge, then two on the second before applying three on the bottom. The oil in your hand disappears into your top as you walk inside and close the door back to where it was.

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