I stood there watching until the sun was now longer there to produce such a wonder, and I then walked to my book shelf. Running a finger against the backings of the books before stopping at the desired one. Pulling it out, I smiled softly before pouncing onto my bed.

"Ah, this is probably the ninth time I've read this particular book." I giggled, amused at myself. I'm the definition of a book worm. I own so many books it's not even funny. The shelf Jungkook bought me must've been expensive and extremely durable to be able to withstand the amount of books I have.

Opening up the book to the first chapter, I was drawn into another world, quite like this one, with it's ups and downs of life. I read for perhaps an hour before yawning widely. "Time to go baby night night." I set my book down, put my earbuds in, started a music playlist, turned off my lamp and went to sleep.


*Time skip*

Grace's pov

I was pacing the dressing room backstage, going back and forth, trying to not bite my nails that I had worked so hard not to bite for the past few months. This was the first night of our debut concert, and to say I'm nervous is an understatement.

I felt a pair of strong hands on my shoulders, stopping me. I looked up and saw a concerned Jungkook, "Hey, there's no need to be nervous. The ARMYs are going to love you, and your gonna do great. You have all of the dance down by heart, without a single mistake." Jungkook looked right in my eyes, his doe brown eyes filled with empathy and care.

"I know. I just-" I looked away.

"Hey." he put a finger under my chin, turning my face back to him. "Look at me. I've got you. Even if you make a mistake, just play it off. You know this right?" I nodded.

"Okay, then, you shouldn't be nervous. Joh-ayo?" he asked.

"Joh-ayo." I responded with a nod.

Giving my shoulders a reassuring squeeze, he let me go. Just then, an announcer came backstage, announcing it was almost time to go on because the Butter promotional video with all of us girls in it as well was going to start.

"Arraso." we all replied.

We all filed to a wall that was going to part for us to enter one by one as our faces were shown in the video, along with our names. The video played and we watched it, waiting for our cue. Taehyung went out first, then Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook, each of them doing a signature move for their entrance.

"Now, ARMYs, I want you to meet our newest members!" Namjoon shouted to the crowd.

Minji came first, waving elegantly like a queen. Jisoo came next, doing a quick hip hop combo. Yunji went next, then Faith, Dari, and Abby. All of them having a unique entrance that showed their personality. I saw my face come up on the screen, and, taking a deep breath, I ran out and did a front ariel and walking out with confidence. I waved to the crowd with a huge smile on my face.

My eyes found Jungkook's, and his mouth was in a proud, bunny smile as he looked at me; he gave me a thumbs up before we all walked to our positions for Butter. I joined Jungkook as he sang the first part of the song, doing the moves perfectly.

Once I got started performing the songs, the nervous left me, replaced by a newfound joy I never thought possible. The cheers and chants of the crowd deafening, but also exhilarating at the same time. When Dari and Jimin's duet for Filter came on, the stadium exploded in screams and cheers, the audience going crazy.

As we were performing Permission to Dance, on Jungkook's ad-lib 'Like we're dancing fools' he suddenly spun me around and dipped me, looking right into my eyes. He then stood me back up and continued dancing. The heck? My heart was racing a hundred miles an hour.

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